A news release from Cindy Watson, executive director of the Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network (JASMYN), celebrates what she calls “the first steps toward an AIDS-Free Generation in Jacksonville!”
“Two champions have stepped up to help us: The Delores Barr Weaver Fund at The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida will match every dollar donated to JASMYN for this work over the next three years, up to $500,000. The Hall-Halliburton Foundation accepted that challenge and has donated $100,000,” Watson wrote. ” To secure the rest JASMYN will need everyone in the community to give whatever they can to the cause!”
The money will allow JASMYN to expand its services.
All funds raised on Tuesday, World AIDS Day, “will help support our strategic objective of deepening our work to prevent HIV and to creating an AIDS-Free Generation,” Watson wrote. “Every dollar raised will be matched, dollar for dollar, through the Delores Barr Weaver Fund.”