Does the old saying “money-back guarantee” apply to campaign contributions? One Lenny Curry donor thinks so, and said as much in an dirt-dishing, ad hominem-riddled email to General Counsel Jason Gabriel, in which he had unkind words for many members of the City Hall staff.
“Please inform the Mayor that I would like my $1000.00 campaign contribution refunded and despite trying to tell him that his appointments should be carefully vetted, he made the mistake of reappointing Kelli O’Leary (unqualified), a Brown supporter as a Director and the reappointment of others who were also appointed by Mayor Brown. Mayors should only appoint people to sensitive jobs (HR/personnel files) that they can trust,” noted Richard Greenwood, a former “Industrial Psychologist” with the City of Jacksonville (a position which presumably has little to do with Front 242 or Nine Inch Nails).
Greenwood wasn’t done there, and seemed to have a special ax to grind with the affable O’Leary.
“Mayor Brown trusted Bowling and O’Leary who were obvious supporters of Rick Scott,” Greenwood said, before posing the question: “Don’t politics make for strange bedfellows?”
Then, some back story:
“I just loved my time working for so many Mayors, Sheriffs and Admirals from 1991 until I had to pay more than $26,000 to apply for a ‘forced retirement.’ If only your office could have told you that I was a loyal City employee until I was humiliated in 2009 to look like I was incompetent. It appears incompetency is in the eyes of the beholder.”
Shakespeare said that, right?
“My next correspondence are ‘certified letters, return receipt required’ to both Judges Schlesinger and Corrigan. You, the Mayor and San Mousa can make the City’s Consultant, Richard Greenwood more credible than the current City Consultant, John Keane. The COJ website still lists John as the consultant for the City. I have never seen John in a suit … but boy he sure loves BBQ,” Greenwood observed, without going into detail as to what kind of sauce Keane likes on his brisket.
Greenwood then digs into the crates to insult politicians first elected in the previous millennium.
“John Delaney made all evidence of the previous Mayor disappear when he eked out his victory in the mid 90s. Mr. Delaney didn’t think much of me either since he demoted me from Industrial Psychologist back to my Civil Service position,” Greenwood wrote.
Apparently, Delaney didn’t catch on to this gentleman’s amazing temperance and people skills.
“Still would like to be the City’s expert but it appears that you have plenty of experts already, in place. BTW, the Mary Singleton Center still has the TU newspaper article framed in its lobby declaring Alvin Brown as the NEW Mayor of Jacksonville,” Greenwood observed.
“Mayor Curry should do what Mr. Delaney did in the mid-90s by cleaning up from past Mayor’s shortcomings,” Greenwood, who had just lamented his own demotion by Delaney, insist, before closing with an oddly constructed sentence fragment/ad hominem attack.
“Thus the ‘blight czar’ … Denise Lee … LOL,” Greenwood wrote.