Jeb Bush is talking about jobs in a new advertisement hitting the airwaves in New Hampshire this week.
The 30-second spot — dubbed “Jobs” — is slated to rotate into the campaign’s New Hampshire ad buy on Wednesday. The advertisement, as first reported by James Pindell’s Ground Game on Tuesday morning, focuses on Bush’s jobs record.
“If we build the best possible business climate, no one can compete with the United States,” Bush is seen saying in the new ad. “My plan will create 19 million new jobs. The American Dream will be possible for millions who have forgotten what it looks like.”
Bush has said his economic proposals are designed to “achieve 4 percent growth, create 19 million new jobs and increase middle-class incomes.” The plan includes changing the tax code, cutting regulations and repealing the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare.
This isn’t the first time the former Florida governor has touted his jobs plan. In September, the campaign released an advertisement where Bush said the state led the nation from 2000 to 2007.
The advertisement is set to air in New Hampshire beginning Wednesday. Bush has spent a considerable amount of time and resources in the Granite State, in advance of the Feb. 9 primary. He still lags in the polls, however, and New Hampshire polling averages compiled by RealClearPolitcs show him in fifth place with 8 percent.