Marco Rubio is out with two new Web videos, including one featuring his family.
In a pre-caucus message, Jeanette Rubio and her children thanks Iowans for “their wonderful hospitality in this past year.”
“Please remember to come out and caucus for Marco,” she tells supporters with the Rubio’s four children by her side. “We need you and can’t do this without your support. Thank you and God bless.”
A special message for Iowans from Jeanette and the kids before the #iacaucus tonight:https://t.co/aI9fFhIJRh
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) February 1, 2016
In a second video, the campaign attempts to explain “Marcomentum.” The 60-second web video features news clips and interviews featuring talk of “Marcomentum,” the phrase the campaign has been using to describe the support Rubio has been receiving in recent days.
“I think Marcomentum is a real thing. It’s happening. People are starting to surge in the polls for Marco,” a voter is show saying in the Web advertisement. “I want to support a candidate that has inspirational rhetoric, that can get things done”
Everyone’s been talking about it: #Marcomentumhttps://t.co/MlWXrPoshy
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) February 1, 2016
Rubio is currently in third place in Iowa with 16.9 percent, according to RealClearPolitics. He trails Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
The Iowa caucuses begin at 7 p.m.