A credit union industry group has picked Senate President-designate Joe Negron as its 2015 state legislator of the year, citing the Palm City Republican’s longtime support of its legislative priorities.
“Credit unions in Florida have been impressed with how much Senator Negron understands their issues,” League of Southeastern Credit Unions President Patrick La Pine said. “Senator Negron has shown a number of times he’s willing to work to help credit unions better serve their membership. Credit unions thank Senator Negron for recognizing the service that local credit unions provide in communities all across the state.”
The group is especially appreciative of Negron’s efforts to pass HB 439 through the Senate. The bill cracks down on “patent trolling,” a practice where patent owners file frivolous lawsuits over minor infringements in hope of a big settlement in the courts.
LSCU said Negron has been an ally since his days in the House and helped advance other credit union priorities, including giving Florida municipal governments the choice of using credit unions for public deposits.
The group presented Negron with the award at the Florida Credit Union Association’s State Governmental Affairs Conference at the Governors Club in Tallahassee this past week.