The simmering tensions between Duval County School Board member Connie Hall and Superintendent Nikolai Vitti boiled over last week, after months of deterioration. As Melissa Ross wrote last week:
Records of emails and texts of Hall and two other Duval School Board members were first requested by a Miami law firm. WJCT obtained a copy of those documents and has published excerpts of the records on its website.
In a September text to School Board Internal Auditor Michelle Begley, Hall wrote, “I vote, fire him now!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
In another text, Hall mentions the resignation of Florida A&M University Board ChairmanRufus Montgomery and says she wishes it was Vitti who was quitting. Yet another text message mocks Vitti with the words, “Special Ed in action.”
At least one School Board member, current Florida House candidate Jason Fischer, has seen enough. In a statement Monday afternoon, issued in the wake of a School Board meeting intended to address the issue, Fischer called for Hall to resign her seat.
“Her comments are neither thoughtful nor a display of leadership,” revealing a “divisive attitude,” Fischer wrote, adding that in “light of these revelations… she should resign immediately.