The fractious Jacksonville City Council Vehicles for Hire committee hasn’t bridged the gap between the taxicab industry and Uber and Lyft. However, Tuesday night at Council at least bought them more time.
Ordinance 2015-835-E, enacted on December 8, 2015, established a temporary moratorium (90 days) on medallion renewals and late fees for medallion renewals pertaining to vehicles for hire.
With legislation being considered, and with accusations and invective flying from the taxicab side toward the Transportation Network Companies, and with Vehicles for Hire likely going past the original stop date of March 31, an ordinance extension was passed extending the medallion renewal break for taxicabs until the end of June.
It is by no means certain that even at that point, there will be meaningful resolution to this matter. In which case, the dance might begin anew.
One open question: whether the ordinance will cease enforcement of the medallion rule at the Jacksonville International Airport. Governed by an independent authority, their policing may work differently.