Former Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary has endorsed Bill Moore for Orange County Commissioner in District 3.
“I sincerely believe that Bill Moore is the candidate best suited to understand the issues facing Orange County, chief among them, supporting public safety,” Beary stated in a news release issued by Moore’s campaign.
“Bill Moore is the right person for the job at the right time,” Beary added. “His experience and education will serve us well in Orange County, where we are currently facing rising rates of violent crime, international terror threats, and economic challenges.”
Moore is in a race with incumbent Pete Clarke, Jose M. Datil Colom and Robert Edward Melanson. The district covers south-central Orange County including Conway and Belle Isle.
Moore, a retired Orlando police officer, added Beary’s endorsement to several others he has received thus far in his race for the county commissioner position. Previous endorsements included the Fraternal Order of Police Orlando Lodge 25 (Orlando police;) Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 86 (Orange County corrections officers;) Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 93 (Orange County deputy sheriffs;) Fraternal Order of Police District 7 (representing FOP lodges in 10 Central Florida counties;) and former Brevard County Sheriff Phil Williams.