Even as Lenny Curry and Sheriff John Rutherford message to the contrary, Mayor Alvin Brown‘s reelection campaign has issued a television ad in recent days touting the Mayor’s commitment to fighting crime and keeping Jacksonville’s streets safe. This ad, entitled “Safe,” will blunt at least some of the impact of Rutherford’s consistent messaging that the Mayor hasn’t been a true partner in fighting crime.
The ad begins with a sequence of jump cuts of law enforcement veterans mentioning how long they have served on the force, before they laud the Mayor for being “tough and smart on crime” and supporting “more cops on streets.”
His plan “goes after the causes of crime,” says an officer, which includes (in the Mayor’s words) “making sure young people have places to go”, a reference to the Mayor’s push for “expanding adult-supervised youth programs at parks and community centers; working with youth sports leagues at City of Jacksonville parks to promote personal accountability; increasing summer job opportunities; enhancing juvenile justice efforts to reduce recidivism; partnering with the faith community to mentor youth and prevent violence; and providing more neighborhood-based opportunities for families to connect with needed services,” which he announced at the Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in January.
The ad also lauds the Mayor’s commitment to “helping church leaders keep the peace,” which Mayor Brown, in the ad, says is part of being “tough on the causes of crime.”
“We need to make sure that this is a city, no matter what side of town you live on, you’re safe,” said the Mayor.
The ad was paid for by the Florida Democratic Party, which has paid for a lot of Mayor Brown’s reelection advertising and campaign staff — an advantage that may help the incumbent in the inevitable runoff election after this month’s general election.
One comment
william livesay
March 11, 2015 at 10:37 pm
what’s wrong with Mayor Brown’s campaign ads? Why doesn’t he sling mud like his opponent? I wish I lived in Jacksonville so I could vote for him. He’s a decent man and Jacksonville needs him during these hard times.We don’t need such a negative person like his opponent.
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