Former Jacksonville Sheriff John Rutherford is the frontrunner in the GOP race to succeed Ander Crenshaw in Congressional District 4, and his finance team reflects that status.
GOP heavy hitters Ed Burr, Jay Demetree, Kent Stermon, and John Falconetti will lead the Rutherford money effort, drawing on decades of credibility and experience.
Burr, the chairman of the Jacksonville Civic Council, is president of GreenPointe Holdings.
Demetree, who like Burr was an early and important supporter of Mayor Lenny Curry‘s campaign, is a trustee of Pentagon Properties.
Stermon, the COO of Total Military Management, is likewise a heavy hitter whose name was briefly floated for a run for this seat himself by some observers.
Falconetti, a former Duval GOP Chair and member of the national platform committee, is yet another provider of establishment credibility.
While it is expected that at least one credible candidate, in the form of current Duval GOP Chair Lake Ray, will get into the race, it will be hard for Ray or anyone else to match this team.
Rutherford offered a brief comment.
“I’m humbled by these community leaders stepping up to support our campaign and ensure we have the resources to be victorious,” the former Jacksonville sheriff said.