Republican state Rep. Mike Miller raised more than $10,000 in April that keeps him comfortably better funded for his re-election campaign in House District 47, but two Democrats showed some fundraising prowess of their own.
Miller, of Winter Park, brought in $10,400, and spent very little, giving him a war chest of $109,850 and no primary opponents.
Democrats Henry Lim and Elizabeth Tuura will have to get past one another, as well as another Democrat, Clinton Curtis. All are from Orlando.
HD 47 covers most of Winter Park, east Orlando, and north-central Orange County.
Tuura raised $7,036 in cash in April, yet also got, for the second consecutive month, $3,000 worth of in-kind staff support from the Florida Democratic Party. She finished the month with $36,655 in the bank.
Lim raised $9,465, leaving him with $22,927 in the bank.
Curtis raised $100, and finished with $2,696.
More than 80 percent of Miller’s contributions came in $500 or $1,000 checks from businesses or political action committees, continuing a pattern in play all year. At the same time, Miller has kept expenses low so far, saving most of the money he’s raised. He has hired John Dowless‘s Millennium Consulting.
For Lim, April was his best month since he got into the race last August and he, his family and his law firm seeded his startup with more than $3,000. Lim got eight $1,000 donations in April. He has hired David Plotkin‘s You Should Run to consult his campaign.
Focusing on smaller donations, Tuura received more checks in April, 48, than Miller and Lim combined.