The House District 13 Republican primary got a little more crowded last week after the entry of Jacksonville’s Daniel Evans.
Evans currently serves as secretary and public relations co-chair for the Duval County Soil and Water Conservation Board and is involved with the non-political MAD DADS group, known locally for calling attention to senseless acts of violence in Jacksonville’s streets.
Evans, who moved here from Memphis, has been active in grassroots initiatives since he came to Jacksonville. When asked why he is running, he said that “we have a representative there that’s in trouble,” though he stressed that he wouldn’t use the legal travails of incumbent Democratic Rep. Reggie Fullwood in his campaign.
“There’s enough distractions as it is,” Evans said.
Evans has been a registered Republican for decades, he said, citing Martin Luther King’s observation that “we cannot afford to have all our people on one side.”
Evans made no guarantees as to how he’d perform in the GOP primary, but he clearly intended to draw on his strong community relationships ahead of the Aug. 30 primary.