The University of Central Florida rehired longtime President John Hitt for another year Tuesday and kept tuition rates unchanged going into the fall 2016 semester.
The UCF Board of Trustees took both actions during their board meeting at the university, praising Hitt for his now 25 years at the helm of the university and for proposing a 2016-17 budget that requires no tuition increases.
Hitt’s next one-year contract, running from July 1 to June 30, 2017, will be at the same salary he has this year, $505,730.
Tuition for undergraduate students will remain at the 2015-16 rates, $105.07 per credit hour. Other fees, such as for health, athletics, activities and technology, also were not changed so that the full cost would remain at $212.28 per credit hour. For a 15-credit-hour load, the typical load of a student expected to graduate in four years, that works out to $6,368 a year.
All other tuition rates and fees, for graduate students and out-of-state students, also remained unchanged for the upcoming school year.
UCF Board Chairman Marcos Marchena credited Hitt for keeping the tuition unchanged.
Hitt has been president of UCF since 1992. His tenure has reflected his deep-seated belief in student access, that is, to keep the university as affordable and open to as many students as possible.
The board showed no qualms in keeping him in charge.
“I discussed Dr. Hitt’s performance with the [Florida] Board of Governors … and reviewed the criteria we utilized to review Dr. Hitt and his performance. Obviously we’re very satisfied and we appreciate Dr. Hitt’s willingness to continue to serve the university,” Marchena said.
His contract also was unchanged, with one exception. The next contract fully vests Hitt for a deal struck in 2013. That clause awards him one additional year of full salary. The 2013 deal was struck to keep him at the university at least three more full years, and that commitment will be fulfilled on June 30.