More evidence of the political vulnerability of Jacksonville Democrat Reggie Fullwood emerged Wednesday, when Lee Brown filed to oppose him in the House District 13 primary.
Brown, a veteran who earned a Purple Heart, is a retired human resources director.
He joins the incumbent and challengers Tracie Davis and J.R. Gaillot in the HD 13 battle royale.
Brown laid out specific areas of focus in a press release.
On education, he asserts children should have “options” for education, yet he believes in the importance of “preserving neighborhood schools.”
When it comes to health care, meanwhile, Florida is “long overdue for Medicaid expansion.”
Noting some areas of HD 13 are “distressed,” Brown asserts that “better supports for small businesses [are] key to job creation and overall prosperity in the District.”
His public safety position is one of opposition to “mass incarceration and mandatory sentencing, [which] are ineffective crime reducers” that simply increase the prison population.
The HD 13 race is wide open.
Fullwood faces 14 federal charges and hasn’t raised money.
And no one else in the race has raised even $1,100.
There also are four Republicans running, who have yet to raise money either.