In the Congressional District 4 race, the Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsed Hans Tanzler, his campaign announced Thursday.
“Personhood FL ProLife PAC has … endorsed candidates who have committed to protecting all innocent human life, without exception,” said PAC Chair Bryan Longworth. “It’s no longer sufficient to merely be against abortion in certain circumstances. Being pro-life in the 21st century demands that we defend innocent human life in and out of the womb from beginning to end. I encourage pro-life Florida voters to support these candidates with their votes, their time, and their donations.”
The release notes all candidates endorsed by the committee have signed a “Personhood Affirmation” that denotes alignment with the PAC on “abortion, abortion funding, RU-486, fetal stem cell research, human cloning, fetal tissue research, and assisted suicide and euthanasia.”
Tanzler, for his part, had this to say:
“I firmly believe that we must honor life at every stage, and I am honored to have the support of Personhood FL ProLife PAC,” said Tanzler. “I appreciate their commitment to this important issue, and I look forward to working with them on federal policies that will create and sustain a culture of life in our country.”
The Personhood PAC, according to Florida state election records, has not had any financial activity since 2013, yet is still active and apparently endorsing.
The symbolic weight of this endorsement may be timely, however. Earlier this week, Tanzler took issue with opponent John Rutherford‘s opposition to the death penalty, saying he was “not sure that with a blanket approach to this issue, Rutherford can be trusted to protect America.”
Rutherford has been opposed to the death penalty for some time, seeing it as linked to a “culture of death” that stems back to Roe V. Wade.