Donald Trump gets more play on Facebook in Florida than Hillary Clinton.
But Monica Lee, a data scientist with Facebook, emphasizes that, “we are not breaking this down into negative or positive comments.”
That’s just something I learned while dropping on the Facebook Lounge Thursday afternoon., which was set up at both national conventions this month for media groups to use to broadcast live video, though anybody in the conventions can come by and hang out on a lounge chair if they can find an available one.
Other facts unearthed during my interview with Lee is that Mike Pence has also been mentioned more than Tim Kaine on the social network, but some of that increased traffic has to undoubtedly to the fact Kaine has been in the news a just bit longer this month, having been selected eight days as Trump’s running mate before Clinton announced Kaine’s selection in Miami last Saturday.
“Social media usage just overall tends to be men,” Lee informs me, as she works the touch screen of the U.S., where you can find out such information as to what area in the nation is an issue such as health care more discussed than anywhere else? The data shows cities in Missouri and Tennessee, although which cities are unclear from the data.
Facebook analytics show that older people tend to discuss vice presidents more than the younger generation.
When it comes to Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, men overwhelmingly discuss him more on social media than do women. The breakdown between genders is much closer when it comes to probable Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein. Fifty-one percent of men discuss Stein on Facebook versus forty-eight percent of women.
Lee gives a demonstration on a large touch screen bringing up a variety of statistics taken from each state.
In the Sunshine State over the past month, Trump has been referenced on Facebook more than 2.2 million times, Clinton, 2,176,000.
In Florida, the top resonating policy issues are: homeland security & terrorism, government ethics, crime and criminal justice, religion and racial issues.
That’s hardly the case around the country. In California, the number one issue being discussed is immigration, followed by racial issues, government ethics, crime and criminal justice and religion.