Mike Pence — middleman?
Reports say the GOP vice-presidential candidate met with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in Coral Gables Friday, as part of a series of meetings intended to salvage party unity among those maligned by Trump on the road to the nomination.
The meeting, at Bush’s office at the Biltmore Hotel, was intended to mend fences between Bush, who was excoriated by Donald Trump throughout the Republican primaries.
When Pence was selected as Trump’s running mate in June, Bush described Pence as a “good man” who would “add value to the ticket.”
Beyond the Pence pick, Bush has been less than rousingly supportive of the Republican ticket, floating the idea of voting for Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson earlier this summer.
Resistance runs through Bush’s inner circle as well: Sally Bradshaw, a senior adviser to Bush during his presidential campaign, left the GOP in despair over the presidential nominee, calling Trump a “total narcissist — a misogynist — a bigot.”
During his presidential run, Bush’s slogan was “Jeb can fix it.” In light of his role, the GOP slogan for the VP candidate may need to be “Can Mike fix this?”