There’s something about the last days of the brutal campaign in Florida’s 4th Congressional District that has candidates pushing out “family values” ads, apparently, as candidates Bill McClure and Hans Tanzler each have ads designed to bolster their positives in this realm.
McClure and Tanzler are headed in opposite directions in the polls: McClure is in fourth place and surging, as the outsider message of the candidate is getting traction, especially in St. Johns County.
Tanzler, though in third place, is behind frontrunner John Rutherford and state Rep. Lake Ray.
McClure’s ad, out earlier this week, is a celebratory piece, showing McClure (in his trademark star-spangled shorts) walking on the beach with his wife.
“While others talk about family values, Bill, his wife Kim, and their children are living the values,” the voiceover says.
The ad ends with a compelling shot of Mr. and Mrs. McClure dancing on the beach, then walking, hand-in-hand, together.
Tanzler’s “family values” ad is new — pushed out Friday. Unfortunately, it isn’t completely honest.
It starts off by correctly noting Tanzler’s endorsement by Sen. John McCain, though it does misrepresent Tanzler’s NRA rating, which is a mere “AQ” instead of the A rating trumpeted in the opening graphic.
There isn’t dancing in the ad; there is, however, a heartfelt testimonial to his integrity.
“He has more integrity than anyone I’ve ever known. That is the truth about my father, and I think that’s what’s kept his moral compass straight his entire life,” runs the quote.
Tanzler and McClure battle frontrunners Lake Ray and John Rutherford in the Aug. 30 primary.