The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund is endorsing Debbie Wasserman Schultz in her bid for re-election to Florida’s 23rd Congressional District.
The endorsement comes just hours before voters in the Broward/Miami-Dade County district go to the polls to decide whether they’ll keep her in office, or go with insurgent challenger Tim Canova in the Democratic primary election.
“LCV Action Fund is pleased to endorse Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz for re-election to Congress. She has long recognized the threat that climate change poses to South Florida and she has been a leader in working to address this crisis,” said LCV Action Fund President Gene Karpinski. “Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz has time and again stood up to the Big Polluters who want to drill off Florida’s coasts, pollute our drinking water and spew unlimited amounts of carbon pollution into our air.”
“Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has a demonstrated track record when it comes to putting South Florida’s environment first,” said Florida Conservation Voters Executive Director Aliki Moncrief. “Whether fighting to protect our unique and beautiful wildlife, working to bring in critical funding for Everglades restoration, or conserving our oceans, Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz is a critical voice for our state in Congress.”
Wasserman Schultz has earned a 92 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
Canova had bashed her one environmental issue in recent weeks — fracking. During their one and only debate held earlier this month, Wasserman Schultz had called for “regulations” on fracking, but she issued a statement last Tuesday saying that she is unequivocally against the controversial practice used to extract oil and natural gas out of the ground.
After that debate, Canova had blasted Wasserman Schultz for her stance. Wasserman Schultz then sent a statement to the Miami Herald on the issue, saying, “Let me be clear, I am against fracking, especially in Florida, because of the sensitivity of our aquifer, which is the source of our drinking water, the environmental damage that it could do to our ecosystem in sensitive areas like the Everglades and, as a mom and a cancer survivor, the serious health risks that accompany fracking.”
One comment
Ricky Thompson
August 29, 2016 at 9:40 pm
This is pathetic that this group supports a woman can not be trusted, is a proven liar, was removed from office for criminal behavior, just recently stated she supports fracking and now suddenly – only because Tim Canova has continually opposed fracking and spoken of its dangers – she changes her mind. What kind of group would endorse someone so disrespectful to everyone involved except herself and her own ambitious. She needs to be voted out immediately.
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