Americans for Prosperity-Florida is diving in to Florida’s U.S. Senate race.
The organization released a digital ad Wednesday targeting Rep. Patrick Murphy over his support of the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare, the farm bill, and export-import bank.
“It’s clear that ‘Pay More Patrick’ doesn’t want to serve Floridians,” an announcer says in the one-minute digital ad. “His policies just mean you have to pay more for everything. Vote against ‘Pay More Patrick Murphy’ for U.S. Senate.”
Murphy faces Sen. Marco Rubio in the November general election. The race is one of the most-watched Senate races in the nation, and outside groups are poised to pour millions of dollars into the race.
Americans for Prosperity-Florida is among those outside organizations paying close attention to the race. The organization said Wednesday it has begun a “relentless grassroots effort” to defeat Murphy come the fall. The organization said it has made over 540,000 contacts already, and volunteers hope to show how Murphy’s agenda will increase Floridians’ cost of living.
“It didn’t take long for Patrick Murphy to give us more politics as usual while leaving Florida taxpayers behind. In just three years in Congress, Murphy made it perfectly clear that he was going to side with well-connected specials interests and the political elite over advocating for Florida families,” said Chris Hudson, the state director for AFP-Florida. “We can’t afford to pay more with Patrick Murphy’s agenda in the U.S. Senate.”