John Rutherford, the Republican likely winner of the race in Florida’s 4th Congressional District, raised $31,100 in new money on Nov. 2 and 3.
Rutherford, running against lightly-funded Democrat Dave Bruderly, is such a shoo-in that Bruderly (unlike CD 5 Democrat Al Lawson) wasn’t even given a speaking slot at the Barack Obama rally at the University of North Florida Thursday.
Among Rutherford’s donors: lots of PACs, such as the American Dental PAC, the Associated Builders and Contractors PAC, the Action Committee for Rural Electrification, the New York Life Insurance PAC, and the Comcast/NBC Universal PAC.
Since Oct. 20, Rutherford has raised $98,800. This is against a candidate who raised nothing since that date.
The cash on hand before Oct. 20 was starkly different also.
Rutherford had $35,645 on hand on that date. Bruderly had $11,309.
Bruderly is spending money in the digital space, though, attacking Rutherford’s record as Jacksonville Sheriff with banner ads reading “Results Matter: What has John Rutherford done during his twelve years in office?”
Ironically enough, Bruderly is closing his campaign using the same failed tactics employed by Rutherford’s vanquished primary opponents.