Please, Florida House members, no big flower arrangements.
Speaker-designate Richard Corcoran welcomed new and returning members of the Florida House on Wednesday, in advance of the Nov. 22 organization session.
“Each political party conference will meet on Monday, Nov. 21,” he said in a memo. “You will receive information regarding this event from your respective partisan office.” The House’s Organization Session will convene the next day at 11 a.m.
Here’s the rest of the memo, edited for publication:
The purpose of the Organization Session is to administer the Oath of Office to the Members of the Florida House of Representatives, select the officers for the 2016-2018 legislative term, and adopt House Rules. Traditionally, Organization Session is a family day. Each Member may bring either their spouse or one invited guest to join them at their desk. A child small enough to be held by your spouse or guest may also be present in the House Chamber. This information is provided to help you determine whether children can best be accommodated in the Chamber, gallery, or fifth floor Spouses’ Lounge.
1) Member Breakfast: On Tuesday, November 22, before the beginning of Organization Session, breakfast will be available for you and your immediate family from 8:30 a.m. until 10 a.m. in the Member Dining Hall.
2) Chamber Access: The Chamber will be open for you one hour before the session begins. In order to facilitate the security inspection of the House Chamber, we request that you refrain from bringing materials, including House-issued or personal computers, into the Chamber for Organization Session. Only reasonably-sized floral arrangements and live plants will be approved for distribution in the House Chamber for the Organization Session. We ask that you please remove all floral arrangements and plants from your Chamber desk at the conclusion of the Organization Session. All Member-to-Member gifts other than floral arrangements and plants need to be delivered to the Members’ offices. These policies are in place to protect the security and decorum of the House.
3) Gallery Passes: Seating in the Gallery for Organization Session will be limited … No Member may request more than two gallery passes. Additional guests are invited to watch the session by closed circuit television in Room 404 of the House Office Building.
4) Spouses’ Lounge and Childcare: The Spouses’ Lounge … will be open for Organization Session. The Spouses’ Lounge is an area where your spouse and children can relax while the Legislature is in session. We have arranged for a sitter service to be available for your children, as space allows, during Organization Session.
5) House and Senate Reception: On Tuesday, November 22, the House and Senate will have a joint reception to celebrate the beginning of the 2016-2018 legislative term. The reception will take place at The Edison (470 Suwannee Street in Tallahassee) from 4-7 p.m. You and your family are invited to attend.
8) Travel Authorization for Organization Session: Members are authorized to travel to Tallahassee for Organization Session beginning Sunday, November 20. If you have questions regarding travel, please contact House Administration.