On Friday and Saturday, Jacksonville residents who take umbrage with the outcome of the presidential election will have chances to express that displeasure in public parks.
Friday at 5:30 p.m., Riverside Park will be the staging point for a “CommUNITY Vigil.”
This event will offer “solidarity against oppression and Trump.”
Vigil attendees will have the opportunity to “stand together in unity to express our solidarity against racism, oppression, hatred, and bigotry” during “a unity vigil in Riverside Park.”
“There is an outpouring of anger, pain, fear, and disbelief as a result of this election,” reads the event page on Facebook. “Unite to stand together on the side of love!”
Saturday at 3 p.m., anti-Trumpers will gather at Hemming Park in Jacksonville to express a similar sentiment: “Donald Trump NOT MY PRESIDENT!“
This event takes the unity trope and uses it to deepen a cultural critique of the president-elect: “the racist, misogynist, xenophobic, bigot that is Donald Trump [who] became our next president of the United States.”
“Donald Trump is not our President! If you are a Woman, Muslim, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native, LGBTQI+, Straight, doesn’t matter, we recognize the need for a worker’s movement that acknowledges that identity isn’t a political issue but a HUMAN RIGHT. We call on the masses to organize, raise class consciousness, and wage struggle against the ruling class that benefits on dividing us,” reads the event invite.
Though it is by no means certain Hillary Clinton, the candidate President-elect Trump defeated, has any affinity for a “worker’s movement” and concomitant class consciousness, it’s clear Jacksonville progressives are, at least in the short term, willing to attempt to catalyze popular resistance against the polarizing Manhattan billionaire elected to office just days ago.
Not Afraid.
November 11, 2016 at 11:58 am
I’m Asian. Trump is the POTUS. Let’s be “Progressive” and move forward without resistance of change. Groupthink is the worst. Stop trying to be a roadblock to whatever comes next. If you believe Trump is any of those things you haven’t read The Art of the Deal or the Art of War. He’s already changed his tune on the wall and Muslims. Hook, line, and sinker for votes. Time to wait to see what really happens. Causing mass hysteria whether peacefully or not… it’s a waste of time. Your “fear” is promoting what you wish to change… a fearful society. Most of us aren’t afraid. Most know every new POTUS receives the same criticism. Speak to someone much older than yourself and you’d see the Republicans said the same about Carter and then the Democrats said the same about Reagan. Get over it.
Sam johnson
November 11, 2016 at 10:38 pm
Whether you agree or disagree with the results, President Trump will take office 1/20/17. We need to come together as a nation and support our leaders in a unified way.. Not further divide our nation. Those who disagree with the results should go back to the planning table and bring a viable alternative to the ballot in 2020. In the mean time be hopeful and support our president… Donald J. Trump.
November 12, 2016 at 10:04 am
Trump wont be president because protesters won’t go away way are going to annoy till we get change…freedom of speech
November 11, 2016 at 2:21 pm
pathetic people
Linda Hill
November 11, 2016 at 9:30 pm
November 12, 2016 at 4:55 pm
Yes he will be in January!
Sam johnson
November 12, 2016 at 9:38 am
Everyone who keeps denying that Donald Trump is the president are delusional. You can believe in a three headed monster who is purple and blue who eats chester fried chicken and lives near the enchanted forest but thats not true either. Believe whatever you want but its not going to change a thing. Donald Trump is president for the next 4 yrs. we should come together and unify rather than further dividing our country.
November 12, 2016 at 5:06 pm
No we need to send a message that no one will lead our content with Rhetorical Devices that is a script out of the 1800’s. The next President & his followers will continue. It’s time to fight. People died for equal right now some say just give in to Hitlar type Falices…. We need to demand the Electoral College do there job.
November 12, 2016 at 12:54 pm
We march for the children being bullied, beaten, and demeaned, who are being told their families are going to be hung or deported, who are crying themselves to sleep in fear every night.
We march because we believe in what’s right; not what’s Democrat, not what’s Liberal…this is not a partisan issue! It is a battle between right ad wrong, between good & evil.
We march so we can look our children in the eye and say “I did all I could to try to ensure a beautiful, safe, successful America for you.” We march because we’re mad as Hell, and we’re not gonna take it anymore.
November 12, 2016 at 3:06 pm
You have made him the face of everything you hate when he has not done anything to deserve it
November 12, 2016 at 3:10 pm
Get a life or for some of you, a job. Worstcase scenario for you is make the best of the next 4-8 years. Besides there is nothing you small brain individuals can do anyway. Your going about it the wrong way.
November 22, 2016 at 7:57 pm
NMP – I will be wearing black on January 20th and will not turn on my TV.
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