A compilation of Veterans Day messages from Florida’s elected officials and politicians:
Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam:
In honor of Veterans Day, I want to tell you about a little-known program that’s honoring the sacrifices of our nation’s wounded veterans. It’s called Operation Outdoor Freedom.
Since 2011, we’ve invited more than 2,000 wounded veterans to enjoy hunting, fishing, and other recreational activities at no cost to them. It’s an opportunity for them to relax and rehabilitate in Florida’s great outdoors.
And it’s an opportunity for us to honor our nation’s bravest men and women. This is just one small way we can thank those who’ve sacrificed so much for our freedoms.
State Sen. Aaron Bean, via Twitter:
Today, we recognize all of our veterans for their sacrifices to our country. We are absolutely the land of the FREE because of the BRAVE.
State Sen. Anitere Flores, via Twitter:
Thank you to all the brave men and women who have selflessly served our country.
State Sen. Bill Galvano, via Twitter:
For those who fought and who continue to fight in the name of freedom, we thank you!
State Rep. Bill Hager:
Today marks the anniversary of Armistice Day, which commemorates the peace agreement signed at the end of fighting on the Western Front of World War I. In honor of those brave men and women, and those who followed in their footsteps, we take this day each year to celebrate and thank those who have served our country so that each of us can be free.
Today we are losing our veterans from World War II, who have been called our greatest generation, at a very rapid rate. Our Korean, Vietnam, and Middle East vets face scars and illnesses long after their service. Currently, many of our neighbors have sent off their loved ones, many in harm’s way, to various military outposts around the world.
It is important that each of us on this special day take a moment to say THANK YOU to our veterans and our current military personnel. Their families also deserve our recognition, support, and thanks as well for their sacrifice.
In our private and public remembrances, we cannot ever forget the veterans who served our nation, in particular those that made the ultimate sacrifice.
State Rep. Shawn Harrison:
State Rep. Kathleen Peters, via Twitter:
To those who have served, we are forever in your debt and America salutes you. Happy Veterans Day.
State Rep. Jack Raburn: