The Duval County School Board moved Friday toward transition from the superintendency of Nikolai Vitti, who is moving on to Detroit.
In a special board meeting Friday morning in a mostly empty chambers, the board discussed next steps … even as reliable sources say that Gov. Rick Scott would like to see Clay County Superintendent Addison Davis (Vitti’s former assistant) brought in to fill Vitti’s role.
Board Chair Paula Wright noted that Vitti pledged to work with whatever process the board determined necessary.
“He’s high and he’s positive and he’s excited,” Wright said about his move to Detroit, though a date for his “conclusion of the contract” is unknown.
Board member Scott Shine said that “we can change this situation, if we present a united board asking him to stay.”
“The reason he wants to leave is because he hasn’t been supported,” Shine said, outlining a perceived lack of board support and delineating Vitti’s virtues, including agitating against charter schools in Tallahassee.
“There will be consequences for all of us … the most concerning consequence is I think this will be harmful to our children and our educational system,” Shine said.
No second was coming for Shine’s entreaty.
Wright discussed “opportunities for new leadership,” disputing that “board contentiousness” drove Vitti out.
“I do not know why we are continuing to have this conversation,” Wright said.