An organization representing the interests of Florida’s private colleges and universities released a “presidential honor roll” thanking some of the state’s top lawmakers for the historic increase in financial aid for Sunshine State students in the 2017 Legislative Session.
The Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida lobbies on behalf of about 30 private not-for-profit schools across the state, including the University of Miami, Flagler University and the University of Tampa.
On the honor roll this year were Senate President Joe Negron and House Speaker Richard Corcoran, as well as Senate Appropriations Chair Jack Latvala and House Appropriations Chair Carlos Trujillo.
The group also honored the chairs of the higher education appropriations subcommittees and policy committees in both chambers.
Future Senate President Bill Galvano and Sen. Dorothy Hukill held those posts in the senate, while Reps. Larry Ahern, Michael Bileca, Manny Diaz, Jr. and Elizabeth Porter held them in the House.
Also making the honor roll from the Senate:
- Sen. Aaron Bean
- Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto
- Minority Leader Oscar Braynon
- Sen. Audrey Gibson
- Former Senate President Tom Lee
- Sen. Bill Montford
- Sen. Keith Perry
- Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez
- Sen. Wilton Simpson
- Sen. Kelli Stargel
And from the House:
- Rep. Ramon Alexander
- Rep. Bob Cortes
- Rep. W. Travis Cummings
- Rep. James Grant
- Rep. Shevrin Jones
- Rep. Larry Lee
- Rep. Tom Leek
- Rep. Amber Mariano
- Rep. Alexandra Miller
- Rep. Mel Ponder
- Rep. Jake Raburn
- Rep. Paul Renner.
In total 14 senators and 18 representatives made the list, which ICUF started releasing annually last year. In that edition, 20 senators and 17 representatives were included.
Last year’s honorees who are still in office but missing from the 2017 edition include Sens. Anitere Flores, David Simmons, Jeff Brandes and Denise Grimsley as well as Reps. Jose Felix Diaz, Katie Edwards, Evan Jenne, George Moraitis, Jose Oliva and Chris Sprowls.