When it comes to fundraising in Duval County 2019 races, the landscape comes down to two City Council candidates, then everybody else.
As has been the case in recent months, Jacksonville City Council hopefuls Matt Carlucci and Ron Salem are the two declared candidates demonstrating fundraising traction thus far.
Carlucci is in an especially impressive position; just two months into his campaign to succeed termed-out Greg Anderson in At Large District 4, he’s already raised $106,000, with almost $101,000 of it on hand.
July saw Carlucci bring in $46,025 of new money. His donors include former Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford ($500) and his “Committee for a Stronger Florida” ($1,000), former newscaster Deborah Gianoulis ($500), School Board member and potential 2019 City Council candidate Warren Jones ($250), JSO Spox Lauri-Ellen Smith ($300), former Alvin Brown spox Dave DeCamp ($100), former Mayor and current Councilman Tommy Hazouri ($250), former Mayor John Peyton’s Gate Petroleum ($1,000), Stephen Joost, Karen Bowling ($250), and the Fiorentino Group and Marty Fiorentino ($500 and $500).
Carlucci has no opposition on the ballot yet.
Ron Salem, running to succeed termed-out John Crescimbeni, inched closer to $100,000 raised with a $3,415 July.
No other 2019 candidates have raised more than $1,800.