Sunburn for 8.23.17 – Rest in peace, Greg Evers


Sunburn – The morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics.

By Peter Schorsch, Phil Ammann, Mitch Perry and Jim Rosica.

Former state Senator Greg Evers was killed Monday night and the wreckage from his car discovered Tuesday afternoon in Okaloosa County.

The former lawmaker died after authorities said he drove off of Griffith Mill Road in Okaloosa County near Baker sometime late Monday. Lt. Eddie Elmore of the Florida Highway Patrol was at the site of the car wreck late Tuesday.

“It appears he ran off the road after failing to negotiate a curve,” Elmore said.

Evers’ car was found submerged in a roadside creek on Tuesday afternoon. Officials said it appeared it was a one-vehicle crash and that Evers was the only person in the vehicle.

Evers, a folksy Baker strawberry farmer, served in the Florida House of Representatives from 2000 to 2010, before serving in the Florida State Senate from 2010 to 2016. A stalwart Republican and a Panhandle fixture, Evers was a heavy supporter of Second Amendment rights and smaller government.

Greg Evers.

Evers was the former chair of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee and continued advocating for criminal justice reform after his retirement from government. He supported a work release program in Santa Rosa County, and, in his most recent role as chief of Political Affairs for South Palafox Group, he spearheaded an effort to create affordable housing for ex-offenders in Pensacola.

More recently, Evers made a bid for the Public Service Commission, but did not make the final cut.

After news of his death, tributes began rolling in, including from Gov. Rick Scott and several Senate colleagues, who took to social media for condolences.


— Gov. Rick Scott: “My wife Ann and I are heartbroken after learning of the passing of Senator Greg Evers. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Lori, and their entire family during this terribly difficult time. A dedicated public servant, Senator Evers truly loved Florida and devoted his life to serving his community – not only on his family farm, but during 15 years representing the people of North Florida in the state House and Senate. He will be remembered and missed by all who knew him as the kind, hardworking farmer from Milton who tirelessly fought for Florida families.”

— Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis: “My family and I are deeply saddened to learn the news of Senator Evers’ passing. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones tonightI’ve known Greg for many years, and there’s no one who fought harder for his principles or for the people of Northwest Florida than Greg Evers. He truly believed in the value of hard work, and nothing was more important to him than his family, public service, and his North Florida farm. We served in the Florida House together, and I’m proud to have worked alongside him and called him a friend. Tonight, I join Florida in mourning his sudden and tragic loss.”

— Senate President Joe Negron: “Greg passionately represented his district for many years in both the House and Senate.  He was especially dedicated to the men and women of his community who were serving or had served in the military, as well as our fellow Floridians across the state who serve as Corrections Officers.

— U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz: “I’m crushed by the news that former State Senator Greg Evers was killed in a car accident late last evening. Greg has been my friend for 16 years. Northwest Florida has lost a great champion and true public servant.”

— State Senator Jeff Clemens, via Twitter: “Sen. Greg Evers was one of a kind. We disagreed on all kinds of things, and he was my friend. Rest In Peace.”

— State Senator George Gainer: “Greg Evers was a dedicated public servant and an even better friend.”

— State Senator Bill Galvano, via Twitter: “Very saddened to hear the news of the passing of Sen. Greg Evers. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

— State Senator Jack Latvala:

— State Rep. and Florida GOP chairman Blaise Ingoglia: “Senator Evers was a passionate and dedicated public servant in the Florida Legislature for 15 years.  He was an ardent supporter of our military, our Constitutional rights and an advocate of returning the power to the people. We extend our deepest condolences to the Evers family, and pray for peace during this most difficult time.”

— State Rep. Clay Ingram: “I just always thought he did a good job representing the rural communities. It’s kind of hard for most of us to understand what it’s like to be a farmer and advocate for agricultural issues, because we never tilled soil or raised cows. But Greg was able to do that. He did it first-hand and that was his job. That will probably be something that is missed in the legislative process.”

Lori Brown, Bridges of America: “Senator Evers was a great man that championed criminal and juvenile justice reform. He was a true Republican, a true Floridian and a generous, kind hearted, human being!”

Facebook status of the day via Lori Weems:

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Nat’l Democrats serve up trio of ads attacking Rick Scott – The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee campaign includes a trio of “bumper ads,” known as a “bumper flock” when viewed in order. The ads are short-format, unskippable and play across Google platforms such as YouTube. The three six-second-long anti-Scott bumpers, which DSCC said are the first of its kind this cycle, depict a son texting his mother about health insurance from an emergency room

Click on the image below to watch the video.

Adam Putnam committee having slowest fundraising month since campaign start” via Matt Dixon of POLITICO Florida – A political committee tied to Republican Agriculture Commissioner Putnam has not yet reported receiving a contribution in August, the longest dry spell since November 2016. Between his campaign and political committee, called Florida Grown, Putnam has $12.3 million in the bank. The committee’s website has not listed a contribution since July 31. State law requires that contributions and expenses be updated on those sites every five business days, meaning Putnam’s political committee, based on what has been reported, has not received a contribution since Aug. 15. Any contributions he has received over the past five days would not yet appear on the site. The committee, which can take in unlimited contributions, has not gone that long without a contribution since November 2016. That was six months before he formally announced his gubernatorial bid.

Assignment editors Putnam will join supporters for an “Up & Adam” breakfast at 9 a.m. at the Kissimmee Elks Lodge, 1655 Kings Hwy. in Kissimmee. Later, the Republican gubernatorial candidate will join former House Speaker Steve Crisafulli at a meeting of the Republican Club of Brevard beginning 6 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Melbourne-Viera, 8298 N. Wickham Road in Melbourne.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham spent a “workday” Monday in Lynn Haven shadowing Mosley High School’s senior class president. Graham caddied around Caroline Noble’s backpack, listened to her classmates and participated in school assignments. The former congresswoman was also around for the morning announcement broadcast, lunch and a tour of the school’s technical classes and ROTC. “I have been a mom, PTA president, public school official, and spent Workdays with teachers across the state, but it’s been a few years since I have been a student — and what better way to experience today’s public schools than as a student,” Graham said. “The politicians in Tallahassee have become caught up in ideological battles and sold out to the education industry. They’ve forgotten what public school is really about: educating our children.”

Gwen Graham, pictured here with her father, former Governor Bob Graham, spent a workday on Monday with Caroline Noble, a student at Mosley High School.

Philip Levine: State should identify, protect pedestrian terrorism targets” via Scott Powers of Florida Politics – Faced with the growing worldwide trend of terrorists using vehicles to mow down pedestrians, Miami Beach Mayor Levine is asking Gov. Scott to identify and help protect high-volume pedestrian corridors in Florida’s cities and towns. “In the past year, vehicular attacks by terrorists and extremists have been on the rise in major metropolitan areas around the world, in Nice, Berlin, Stockholm, Westminster and most recently, in Barcelona,” Levine wrote in his letter to Scott, citing the most recent attack last weekend in Spain. “In light of last week’s tragic events, I would like to submit an idea for your consideration that may help to protect citizens and tourists in cities throughout Florida.” Levine recommended the state identify “any and all high-traffic pedestrian walking areas” that are possible targets; consider partially or fully funding the purchase and placement of anti-vehicle barriers at key access points; and, in conjunction with the federal government, help fund security and assistance expertise for local police forces.

“Candidates weigh in on question about Rick Scott making Supreme Court appointments in 2019” via Florida Politics – Unsurprisingly, Democratic candidates for governor say the power to appoint state Supreme Court justices in 2019 lies with whoever wins next November, while Republican candidates are divided on the issue. Progressive groups are now battling Gov.  Scott in court over his authority to replace the three liberal-leaning justices—R. Fred Lewis, Barbara Pariente and Peggy A. Quince—who will be retiring in early 2019. Scott has said he plans to name their replacements the morning of his last day in office, Jan. 8. That’s because, his attorneys have argued, their age-required retirements also will become effective Jan. 8. The League of Women Voters of Florida (LWVF) and Common Cause counter that Scott can’t replace those justices because he’ll be out of office earlier on the same day they retire, and their final judicial terms last till midnight.

Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott endorses Ashley Moody for AG – “I’m proud to endorse Ashley Moody for Attorney General because she is a tough, conservative leader with a proven track record of service to the law and dedication to the men and women in uniform. Ashley’s experience as a federal prosecutor, combined with her conservative philosophy, will make our criminal justice system stronger for generations to come,” Scott said.

Former Miami-Dade Commissioner endorses David Richardson for CD 27 – Former Miami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson is backing State Rep. Richardson in his bid for Congress. Sorenson’s brand of responsive government, informed policymaking and civic activism carries serious water in her hometown, especially among Democratic primary voters: “In Tallahassee, David has been an unrelenting, results-oriented public servant. Now we need him in Washington in order to advocate for commonsense, progressive solutions to the problems we face both locally and on the national level. On everything from single-payer health care to climate change to prison and criminal justice reform – David has been a consistent and tenacious voice for ‘big ideas’ in a space too often dominated by lip-service and gimmicks.”

Paul Chandler: I didn’t jump off HD 44 race, I was pushed” via Scott Powers of Florida Politics – Ex-Democratic House candidate Chandler said he had no intention of withdrawing from the race and was confident he could win both a legal challenge and the special election itself — until party officials whom he said had never supported him threatened to sabotage his campaign if he didn’t quit. Chandler, announced he would withdraw from the HD 44 special election contest due to outside circumstances. Among those circumstances is the prospect that the Democrats wanting to pick another candidate in time to be on all the ballots for the Oct. 10 contest. Orange County Democratic Chairman Wes Hodge emphatically refuted Chandler’s charges that party officials pushed him out, or that anyone threatened his campaign if he did not quit. Ryan Ray, with the the FDP’s House Victory program, said the party spoke to him “about how best to move forward.”


Bill Nelson clarifies position on Confederate monuments after Democratic criticism” via Marc Caputo of POLITICO Florida – “Confederate statues belong in a historical museum, not in a place of honor,” Nelson said on his Twitter account. His office said Nelson believes that a Confederate monument at the Florida Capitol should be moved to a Confederate cemetery. In clearly giving his position on moving the markers, Nelson puts to rest questions about his views that surfaced after he refused to say Monday where he stood on the national issue. “I think leaving it up to the good sense of the communities involved is the best thing to do,” Nelson said at the time when asked his opinion. State Rep. Shevrin Jones, an African-American Democrat who has filed legislation to move the monuments, faulted Nelson earlier Tuesday for not taking a position and said later in the day he was pleased. “I’m glad he listened,” Jones chuckled. Nelson’s response surprised Democrats, particularly African-American lawmakers and progressive activists who have sought the monuments’ removal across the state and country.

Southern Heritage group draws fire for posting personal information of Confederate statue opponents” via Tony Marrero of the Tampa Bay Times – The report and accompanying spreadsheet, posted by Save Southern Heritage Aug. 10, includes the personal information, photos and “affiliation” of more than 100 people who spoke in favor of moving the monument at the July 19 County Commission meeting. The listed affiliations include specific groups or movements, such as “Democrat” and “Black Lives Matter,” and more general descriptions such as “anti-Trump,” “LGBT,” “Muslim” and “resentful black man.” One man was described as being “anti-law enforcement.” Activists on the list are calling the report a clear case of “doxxing” — publishing personal information as an act of intimidation — and say some people on the list have been targets of harassment on social media and, in at least one case, by phone. They plan to ask authorities to prosecute Save Southern Heritage to force them to remove the list. “We’re worried about the safety of our people,” said Tim Heberlein, Tampa Bay director for Organize Florida, whose group has several members on the list. “Legally, it feels like a line has been crossed.”

West Palm removes Confederate monument from city cemetery” via Eliot Kleinberg of the Palm Beach Post – It didn’t take even 24 hours for the city to make good on its promise to remove a monument to the Confederate dead from West Palm Beach-owned Woodlawn Cemetery. At midday Tuesday, workers carved the monument out. Mayor Jeri Muoio had said Monday that the city would remove the 10-foot-tall “In memory of our Confederate Soldiers” fixture, which is owned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. She said the city’s lawyers had reached out to the Daughters in the past few months, asking them to remove the monument. “They haven’t done that, so we will do it for them,” she said. “We sort of lost our patience.”

Joe Henderson: What kind of ‘heritage’ are Civil War monument supporters celebrating?” via Florida Politics – What is so great about the heritage that it’s worth creating a communitywide divide to preserve? Adam Putnam tippy-toed around the issue of taking down the monuments when he said, “It’s far more important to eradicate hate today than it is to sanitize history.” … the thing about “sanitize” is where everything hangs up. It’s not “sanitizing” history for citizens to say using public property to celebrate a war to preserve slavery is a bad thing. Yes, soldiers who fought on either side should be remembered, but history shows these weren’t men marching gallantly off to war. When volunteers didn’t come forth insufficient numbers after the war began, both sides instituted the first military drafts to fill their ranks. That was bitterly opposed in the South particularly, where eventually the draft took men from age 17 to 50, unless you could buy your way out of service. Soldiers often went hungry, unpaid and about 620,000 men overall died either in battle or from disease. Based on population, an equivalent war today in the United States would claim about 6 million lives. Are supporters celebrating that heritage?


“Maria Sachs accuser seeks to drop harassment case” via Florida Politics An ex-aide to former state Sen. Maria Lorts Sachs has asked a federal court to drop his sexual harassment case against the Florida Senate. Matthew Damsky’s attorney filed a motion to dismiss Tuesday, asking that each side pay for its own attorneys’ fees and costs. The Senate was named as the defendant because it was Damsky’s official employer. The Senate’s outside counsel, Lisa Fountain of the Sniffen & Spellman firm, told attorney Marie Mattox that the chamber would “consent” to the request. As of Tuesday, the Senate’s cost to defend the case was $9,690.35, according to Senate spokeswoman Katie Betta … Mattox had told the Senate’s lawyers, according to recent court filings, that her client “may dismiss the case due to difficulties with (his) criminal defense lawyer,” referring to “a criminal investigation involving Mr. Damsky.” Sachs had filed a criminal complaint into the unauthorized use of her personal credit card.

Lawmaker wants tax ‘holiday’ for veterans” via the News Service of Florida – A two-month sales tax “holiday” would be offered each year to honorably discharged military veterans under a proposal filed this week by Miami Democratic Rep. Kionne McGhee. The measure (HB 69), filed for the 2018 legislative session, would allow veterans to avoid paying sales taxes in November and December on clothing items costing $100 or less, personal computers costing $1,500 or less, books costing $50 or less and fitness equipment selling for $100 or less.

Tallahassee lobbyist Adam Corey drops clients” via Daniel Ducassi of POLITICO FloridaCorey withdrew as a lobbyist for American Clinical Solutions, Coalition of Affordable Housing Providers, PNC Financial Services Group, Broward College Foundation and San Felasco Nurseries, according to state records. So did Ralph Schwarz, who works for Corey’s firm, Unconventional Strategies. However, the Leon County Clerk of Courts website still shows Corey as a registered lobbyist for several local government lobbying clients. Corey was recently named in a federal subpoena related to an FBI investigation of Tallahassee’s Community Redevelopment Agency … Corey is one of the owners of the Tallahassee restaurant, The Edison, which received $2.1 million through the city’s CRA to help build the upscale restaurant that stands in the shadow of the state Capitol. Corey is also a prominent supporter of Andrew Gillum.


Enterprise Florida marketing takes hit” via Jim Turner of the News Service of Florida – In scaling back marketing efforts after a cut in state funding, the public-private Enterprise Florida has outlined a $3 million marketing plan for this fiscal year that will reduce national newspaper ads and limit what the agency does at Major League Baseball spring-training games and with NASCAR. Joe Hice, who is leaving his position as Enterprise Florida’s chief marketing officer in September, said the agency is waiting for the 2018 spring training schedule to determine what cities, and thus what visiting executives, to focus on for the Grapefruit League games. Also, while the intent is to keep up appearances at the Daytona 500, Enterprise Florida would like to be able to end its ties at the Coke Zero 400 at Daytona International Speedway. “Those are rather expensive events,” Hice told members of the agency’s Strategic Partners & Policy Committee meeting. “We think they’re bucket list events. People want to come to those events, so we’d like to continue to do it. But we’d like to get them (Daytona) to help us out with the events.” Don’t expect full-page ads that could run in six figures, Hice said. Instead, the focus will be digital ads.

How state preemption became a ‘serious problem’ for local governments in Florida” via Amy Keller of – Destin Councilwoman Prebble Ramswell and others say the short-term rentals—which have proliferated thanks to popular websites like Airbnb, HomeAway and Vacation Rental By Owner (VRBO) — are causing noise, parking, trash and safety issues in their communities, but because of the state Legislature, they’re limited in how they can address the situation. In 2011, state lawmakers completely stripped cities of their power to regulate short-term rentals, but allowed the few with existing regulations to keep them in place. The Republican-controlled legislature dialed back that exemption in 2014 to allow Florida’s cities to adopt ordinances to address specific issues like noise, parking and trash—but local governments still have no say-so over how often or how long a property can be rented and they can’t outright ban the practice or regulate the rentals through zoning. It’s not enough, local officials say. “We have people calling saying ‘We’re moving. We’ve lived here 20 years. We can’t deal with this. You can’t do anything,’” said Ramswell, who worries that any action her city might take against the rental owners could provoke a lawsuit. “This has become a serious problem. It’s a nightmare and something has to be done.”

Temp rising in Miami Beach over looming minimum-wage hike” via Kate Rogers of CNBC – Miami Beach is at the center of an ongoing battle of its own over raising the minimum wage. Earlier this year, a judge struck down a local ordinance that was set to hike the city’s minimum to $10.31 in January 2018, eventually hitting $13.31 by 2021. Oral arguments begin in appeals court in October. Democratic Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine believes the case could reach the Florida Supreme Court but that ultimately the higher wage will prevail. “I believe it’s necessary, and our entire commission as well as our business community felt it was necessary, because we felt that we need to make sure that our workers in our city get properly paid,” Levine said. “We all know that no one can live on $8.10 an hour. So, the question is, How do you live? The government is going to help you — they are funding you with subsidized programs, welfare programs and social programs. So, basically, the taxpayers are subsidizing the cost of businesses.” The Florida Retail Federation, which was one of the business groups that took on the minimum-wage ordinance in Miami Beach, said the hike stands to negatively impact small companies and future business in the city. For some entrepreneurs, raising the minimum wage isn’t so clear-cut, and it means making tough business decisions.


Marco Rubio to make special appearance at Carlos Curbelo fundraiser” via Patricia Mazzei of the Miami Herald – … Thursday in Bal Harbour. The evening reception will be held at the home of the Falic family, which has been politically active for years, particularly on issues related to Israel. An invitation to the fundraiser shows contribution levels ranging from $2,700 to $10,400 a person.

Marijuana activists launch Roger Stone boycott; John Morgan stands by him” via Marc Caputo of POLITICO FloridaStone recently won praise from cannabis activists after announcing he would help lead a bipartisan group — with the help of Florida medical marijuana godfather Morgan — that’s dedicated to persuading the Trump administration to not penalize medical marijuana states and to consider rescheduling the drug at the federal level to recognize the therapeutic properties of cannabis. But after Trump’s incendiary comments about the racial unrest in Charlottesville — coupled with Stone’s history for making inflammatory remarks — four speakers and one sponsor of the Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition say they’ll boycott if Stone speaks Sept. 13-15 in Los Angeles and at another expo event in Boston from Oct. 4-6. “Totally a Media Matters for America hit campaign … funded by George Soros,” Stone [said] … For Morgan … the boycott is counterproductive. “It’s a mistake. Roger has the president’s ear. Politics is not pretty. Sometimes politics makes strange bedfellows. This is such a time,” Morgan wrote by email. “With the stroke of a pen Trump could make MJ schedule 2. And it would be right and his ratings would soar.”

Ad: Congress is threatening to undermine laws protecting Florida families from pollution, toxic chemicals, unsafe food and other dangers” – A new digital ad in Florida from Clean Air Moms Action features Janette Fennell, founder and president of the nonprofit, who escaped from being abducted and trapped inside the trunk of her own car. Fennell is calling on Congress to oppose the Regulatory Accountability Act (RAA) and the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, two bills that the group says threaten consumer protections to keep air and water clean, food and workplaces safe and families healthy.

Click on the image below to watch the ad.

Save the date:

Assignment editors – Congressman Charlie Crist will be participating in several back-to-school events in St. Petersburg. At 10 a.m., Crist will be speaking with fifth-grade students at Bay Vista Fundamental Elementary School, 5900 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street South. Next, the St. Petersburg Democrat will hold a roundtable on campus safety beginning 11 a.m. at the USF St. Petersburg Student Center, Second Floor Ballroom, 200 Sixth Ave. S. Finally, Crist will host a juvenile roundtable on car theft beginning 6 p.m. at the St. Petersburg College Midtown Community Room, 1300 22nd St. S.


Sal Nuzzo: Long-term policy needed to guarantee a free internet” via Florida Politics – When the issue of net neutrality first emerged more than 10 years ago, some wondered whether it would result in overreaching, heavy-handed government intervention. We saw this intervention come to life in 2015, when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under President Obama took the unprecedented and rather extreme step of classifying the internet as a public utility under Title II of the Communications Act. Under this classification, we are observing the aggressive federal overreach of technology that neglects the democratic process. Almost everyone agrees that the free market should regulate innovative technology, including technologies presented in broadband traffic, and that the rules and regulations governing utilities under Title II are old and outdated. These antiquated utility-style Title II rules were never intended to be used for something like the internet. They may have also opened a Pandora’s box of government power grabs. Instead of taking the simple steps to protect net neutrality, regulators and policy makers can now feel emboldened to control other aspects of the internet. Will the next step be federal agencies censoring content or applying taxes and fees — or controlling the internet in some other way?

— ALOE —

it goes to 11: Florida lab sets new magnet strength record” via Gary Fineout of The Associated Press – The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory – whose main location is housed at Florida State University – met its goal and reclaimed its status as home to the world’s strongest magnet. They called it “Project 11,” a nod to the comedy film “This is Spinal Tap” about a fictional heavy metal band whose guitarist boasts an amplifier that doesn’t go up to 10 but to 11. Lab officials said they tested a 41.4-tesla magnet, which is roughly 20 times the strength of a magnet used in medical imaging machines and vastly stronger than the ones that get stuck to the door of a household refrigerator. The Earth’s magnetic field, by comparison, is one twenty-thousandth (.00005) of a tesla. A tesla is a measure of magnetic field strength. The new magnet – which cost $3.5 million to build – beat the old mark for resistive magnets which was held by a 38.5 tesla magnet in China. The National MagLab had previously held the record for 19 years.

Spooky Empire brings Spooky Day in the Parks to Disney World” via Chelsea Tatham of the Tampa Bay Times – Spooky Empire, a yearly local horror convention, hosts Spooky Day in the Parks at Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. The event, actually three days of mischief and mayhem Sept. 22 to 24, is a way for ghoulish fans to gather and celebrate their love of Disney villains and The Haunted Mansion ride. “We’re huge Disney fans, and we wanted to combine that with Spooky Empire,” said Gina Mongelli, who founded Spooky Empire with her husband 14 years ago. “We wanted to do something like Dapper Day but themed around Disney villains.” Like Dapper Day, Mongelli aims to have Spooky Day be an annual gathering of dressed-up fans, but for Disney’s more sinister side. Over three days, there will be a “Disney bounding” meetup at Magic Kingdom, two days of a ghostly bizarre at Coronado Springs and two screenings of the fan-made Foolish Mortals documentary about the culture around the Haunted Mansion ride.

What’s new in the iPhone 8” via Mark Gurman of Bloomberg Technology – Due out this fall, the new smartphone arrives with lofty expectations. After all, this is the 10th anniversary of the original iPhone, a gadget that upended the industry and created an ecosystem of apps and accessories. However, the new iPhone won’t be a case-study of innovation, more a matter of perfecting features that are already out there in rival devices. Time and again, Apple has followed this “best, not first” philosophy, seizing on technologies and features bungled by rivals and implementing them well enough to spur widespread adoption. Proof of concept? More than 1.2 billion iPhones sold in the last decade. Apple plans to release three new phones: successors to the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus as well as a new, revamped model that sits at the high-end. All will have the usual upgrades like faster processors, but the revamped model is where Apple will flex its best, not first, muscles, as well as some features that haven’t been tried before. The two most noticeable involve the screen. The display will use a technology called OLED, which makes for better color reproduction and deeper blacks and whites. The screen will also take up nearly the entire front of the phone, save for thinner bezels and a notch at the top of the front to fit in the camera and new sensors.

Happy birthday to Alexis Lambert and our friend in northeast Florida, one of the best activists in the state, Peret Pass.

Peter Schorsch

Peter Schorsch is the President of Extensive Enterprises and is the publisher of some of Florida’s most influential new media websites, including Florida Politics and Sunburn, the morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics. Schorsch is also the publisher of INFLUENCE Magazine. For several years, Peter's blog was ranked by the Washington Post as the best state-based blog in Florida. In addition to his publishing efforts, Peter is a political consultant to several of the state’s largest governmental affairs and public relations firms. Peter lives in St. Petersburg with his wife, Michelle, and their daughter, Ella.

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  • Scott Andrichak

    August 23, 2017 at 9:27 am

    Would you kindly subscribe me to your daily Sunburn blog?
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    Thank you!

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Florida Politics is a statewide, new media platform covering campaigns, elections, government, policy, and lobbying in Florida. This platform and all of its content are owned by Extensive Enterprises Media.

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Contributors & reporters: Phil Ammann, Drew Dixon, Roseanne Dunkelberger, A.G. Gancarski, Anne Geggis, Ryan Nicol, Jacob Ogles, Cole Pepper, Gray Rohrer, Jesse Scheckner, Christine Sexton, Drew Wilson, and Mike Wright.

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