Last Call — A prime-time read of what’s going down in Florida politics.
First Shot
Term limits for school boards? The Florida Constitutional Revision Commission is eyeing the possibility of adding that to the state constitution.
On Thursday, a review panel will take up a proposal that would change the state constitution to say school board members who serve two terms — a total of eight years — are not eligible to run again.
Currently, there are about 330 school board members across 67 school districts in the state. Under the state constitution or current state law, there is no provision limiting the term of any of these members.
School board members are tasked with supervising public schools within the school district and determining the rate of school district taxes.
Commissioner Erika Donalds, appointed by House Speaker Richard Corcoran, is sponsoring the proposal (P 43), which has similar language to the term-limit set for legislators, the governor, Cabinet members and U.S. representatives and senators.
Donalds is a school board member herself. She was elected to the Collier County School Board in 2014, and currently serves as the board’s vice chair.
Her proposal was unanimously supported by the CRC Education Committee, and now it heads to the Local Government Committee. If approved, it will head to the full CRC for a vote.
Wednesday’s meeting will be held at 1 p.m., in 401 Senate Office Building, the Capitol.
Evening Reads
“How is Florida’s health? Not so great, report says” via Thomas Tobin of the Tampa Bay Times
“Rick Scott orders new policies for state workers on reporting, investigating sexual harassment complaints” via Alexandra Glorioso of POLITICO Florida
“Latest forecast shows more misery ahead for ailing citrus industry” via the News Service of Florida
“Appeals court dismisses Florida school-funding lawsuit” via Gary Fineout of The Associated Press
“Insurer Citizens expects to get bigger after Irma” via the Palm Beach Post
“7,500 complaints of price gouging during Irma. Just 1 business fined so far.” via Steve Bousquet of the Tampa Bay Times
“State backs land buy for Central Florida trail” via Jim Turner of the News Service of Florida
“Details of shark-dragging case revealed in criminal report” via Carlos Munoz and Tim Fanning of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune
“Where have the stone crabs gone? Shortage of Florida delicacy drives up prices” via Jenny Staletovich of the Miami Herald
“FPL opens $6 million Cat 5 storm center in Jupiter, one of 12 planned” via Marcia Heroux Pounds of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Quote of the Day
“Look at Washington, look at Congress, and how broken it is. But everybody keeps getting re-elected.” — Frank Kruppenbacher, member of the Constitution Revision Commission, in an interview after he withdrew his proposal to repeal public financing for statewide candidates.
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Wake Up Early?
The General Provisions Committee of the Florida Constitution Revision Commission will consider a proposal that would ban oil drilling in Florida’s coastal waters. That’s at 8 a.m., 401 Senate Office Building, the Capitol.
The Education Committee of the Florida Constitution Revision Commission will receive a series of presentations about education issues such as school start dates, high-performing schools and financial aid. That’s at 8:30 a.m., 110 Senate Office Building, the Capitol.
The Florida Supreme Court is expected to release its weekly opinions at 11 a.m.
Sen. Aaron Bean, a Fernandina Beach Republican, is expected to speak during a Greater Nassau County Chamber of Commerce lunch event. That’s at noon, The Pig Bar-B-Q, 450102 Florida 200, Callahan.
The Local Government Committee of the Florida Constitution Revision Commission will take up a series of issues, including a proposal that would lead to term limits for school board members. That’s at 1 p.m., 401 Senate Office Building, the Capitol.
The Florida Department of Transportation will hold a hearing about a potential project to widen Interstate 10 from Interstate 295 to Interstate 95 in Duval County. That’s at 4:30 p.m., Florida Department of Transportation, Jacksonville Urban Office, 2198 Edison Ave., Jacksonville.