Twitter’s tagline says it all: “It’s what’s happening.”
In Florida, the sharpest pols know the Twittersphere is a great tool to get the message out. And over the weekend, it’s easy to overlook some of their activity.
But don’t worry, Florida Politics has you covered.
Big news came Friday night when President Donald Trump announced successful missile strikes in Syria. Florida’s U.S. Senators came out in support of the assault. Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson did so via Twitter:
I support the attack because Assad must be held accountable for the use of chemical weapons.
— Bill Nelson (@SenBillNelson) April 14, 2018
Gov. Rick Scott, who hopes to unseat Nelson this fall, shared a similar message:
It’s the absolute right thing to do. Along side our European allies, we must do what the previous Administration wouldn’t, which is respond swiftly and forcibly to use of chemical weapons.https://t.co/hRlMDHImEp
— Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) April 14, 2018
Nelson also spoke with Florida A & M University and Florida State University Democrats in Tallahassee:
Great meeting with students from @floridastate and @FAMU_1887 today in Tallahassee with Sen. Booker. We talked about how we need to make college more affordable and how the latest funding bill increased support for Historical Black Colleges and Universities like FAMU. pic.twitter.com/lIGuWOY8Mh
— Bill Nelson (@SenBillNelson) April 14, 2018
Meanwhile, Sen. Marco Rubio was busy at the 8th Summit of the Americas:
I was also honored to meet with members of the Cuban Civil Society. I support them in their fight for democracy and human rights in Cuba. #SummitOfTheAmericas #SummitPeru pic.twitter.com/IZHIHo2RaM
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) April 15, 2018
Congresswoman Val Demings joined her husband Sheriff Jerry Demings, who’s vying for Orange County’s Mayor post, at the Cattle Baron’s Ball.
Having a great time tonight at the Orlando ‘Cattle Baron's Ball’ to help in the fight against cancer. Thank you to the @AmericanCancer for hosting! pic.twitter.com/hKwPi0e8rK
— Rep. Val Demings (@RepValDemings) April 15, 2018
Congressman Darren Soto took the ‘blue wave’ oath:
Proud to administer the #BlueWave Oath at @FlaDems Chairs Meeting! #UnitedWeWin #flapol @OrangeDemsFL @Osceola_DEC @polkdec @DNC @DHCFLA pic.twitter.com/7JP8nlR9AA
— Darren Soto (@DarrenSoto) April 14, 2018
Republican state Rep. and state Senate candidate Manny Diaz Jr. spent his Saturday canvassing South Florida’s SD 36:
Super Saturday with our team joining @VoteFrankMingo @JoshDieguez working #district103 #district36 #Walk2Win #MDJ2018 pic.twitter.com/3EUFhmYSUk
— Manny Diaz Jr. (@SenMannyDiazJr) April 14, 2018
Democratic Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith embraced students, including some from Parkland, while accepting the 2018 Voice for Equality Award:
Such an incredible surprise + honor to be joined by Parkland students + others onstage to accept @equalityfl’s 2018 Voice For Equality Award in Palm Beach! I fight to lift up their voices + voices of those taken by hate + gun violence. #NeverAgain #ForThe49 #Sayfie pic.twitter.com/jBhnCgDGbF
— Rep. Carlos G Smith (@CarlosGSmith) April 16, 2018
State Rep. Danny Burgess took his camp to the lanes:
Team Burgess taking on the lanes @ZHillsCOC Incredi-Bowl Zhills event! 🎳 pic.twitter.com/9MoJlrYgjQ
— Danny Burgess (@DannyBurgessFL) April 15, 2018
In the midst of a statewide bid for Attorney General, state Rep. Sean Shaw spoke to Democrats in Citrus County:
Just spoke to some excited Citrus County Democrats about my Attorney General race…and then had some great 🍗 🍖! #shawforflorida pic.twitter.com/HiTpLzIngU
— Sean Shaw (@SShawFL) April 14, 2018
Democrats state Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez and state Rep. David Richardson appeared at a Legislative Session recap on Saturday:
Many thanks to the speakers at today’s engaging ‘what happened in Tallahassee’ 2018 FL legislative session recap @JoseJavierJJR @david4florida @FLVoices4Health @CatalystMiami @seiufl @NewFLMajority @FLImmigrant @Earthjustice @FLLatinas @sfiwj pic.twitter.com/KPdD9Kn18T
— Natalie Castellanos (@natakristine) April 14, 2018
Democratic Reps. Nicholas Duran and Kionne McGhee aided Sen. Rodriguez in his reelection bid:
#DayofAction for @Javierfor114! Had a solid team of @FLHouseDems supporting the blue candidate today #FieldWins pic.twitter.com/ZkRpkzX4M3
— Nicholas X. Duran (@DuranForFlorida) April 14, 2018
Rep. Matt Caldwell continues to make the rounds for his statewide bid for Agriculture Commissioner:
Another informative forum on Friday, with the Women’s Republican Club of Naples Federated. #2lanetravels #flapol pic.twitter.com/0t1EriqL2r
— Matt Caldwell (@mattcaldwell_fl) April 14, 2018