Treasure Coast businessman Toby Overdorf added another endorsement in his bid for House District 83, pulling in support from Stuart City Commissioner Troy McDonald.
The announcement comes on the heels of an endorsement from Port St. Lucie Councilwoman Stephanie Morgan, who announced her support for Overdorf late last week.
“There’s no question that Toby Overdorf is the right choice for District 83,” said McDonald, who has served on the Stuart City Commission since 2011. “He is a strong leader and has the conservative vision and values we need to keep Florida strong. I look forward to working with him.”
McDonald is also vice president of the Board of Business Development of Martin County and a board member of Redeem the Shadows, a nonprofit that works on preventing human trafficking.
Overdorf is battling Sasha Dadan for the Republican nomination in HD 83. The race will be open as current Rep. Gayle Harrell is term-limited. Harrell has held the seat since it was redrawn in 2012.
The seat leans Republican and covers parts of Martin and St. Lucie counties. Only Tiffany Parisi has filed to run as a Democrat.
In a statement following McDonald’s endorsement, Overdorf said, “I am honored to have Commissioner McDonald on our team. His leadership has been behind significant improvements in our community, and I look forward to continuing to work with public servants like him.”
Overdorf currently serves as the chair of the Martin County Republican Party.
The HD 83 primary will be held on August 28. The winners will then face off November 6 in the general election.