Off to the races: Supreme Court clears dog racing-ban for ballot
Photo: Van Abernethy

Greyhounds, Southland Park

The Florida Supreme Court on Friday ordered a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban betting on live greyhound racing back on the ballot, reversing a lower-court judge.

Now, if approved by at least 60 percent of voters in November, the measure could sound the death knell of the state’s 87-year-old greyhound industry. In Florida, live dog racing is still conducted at 11 tracks.

The court, in a 6-1 decision, overturned a previous order by Circuit Judge Karen Gievers, who ruled that Amendment 13’s ballot title and summary would mislead voters, calling it “outright ‘trickeration.’ ” Justice Peggy A. Quince dissented.

The majority made three main findings:

— The amendment’s language saying “humane treatment of animals would become a fundamental value of the people of Florida” …“does not have any independent legal significance” and ‘its omission from the ballot summary does not render the ballot language clearly and conclusively defective.”

— The ballot text itself does not “mislead voters about the effects Amendment 13 would have on other forms of gaming” – that is, none – because “a reasonable voter would understand” that other kinds of gambling like cards and slots “will continue without material change.”

“If Amendment 13 is adopted, the only activities which will change in a material way are dog racing in Florida and wagering thereon, which will cease,” the opinion says.

— The ballot title, “Ends Dog Racing,” won’t “mislead voters to believe all wagering on dog racing would be prohibited, even though in-state betting on out-of-state (simulcast) racing would be allowed to continue” because “a reasonable voter would not interpret” it that way.

Jack Cory, spokesman and lobbyist for the Florida Greyhound Association, which filed the legal challenge, said his group was “disappointed in the decision today, but it is now on to the next race, ‘NO ON ALL in November!’ ”

The racing ban is one of eight amendments OK’d by the 2017-18 Constitution Revision Commission (CRC); 13 amendments in all have been set for the ballot. Amendment 13 was the first to be struck down by a trial court judge.

In a statement, Cory said the proposed constitutional change was made from “false and misleading information,” mentioning what he called the creation of “freestanding casinos” — a point the majority refuted, however. “This is the reason that you should not put issues like this into the Florida Constitution.”

Quince said in a short dissent that “there is no reasonable way for a voter to know whether, by voting yes for this amendment, they are also voting to either suspend or expand” other gambling.

“… Amendment 13 would waive an important condition of licensure for operators of card rooms and slot machines whose licenses arose out of their pari-mutuel dog racing permits,” she wrote.

Pari-mutuels in Florida usually are required to continue running live dog or horse races to have slots and card games that make those facilities more money. A move afoot called “decoupling,” removing the live racing requirement, has failed in the Legislature in recent years.

The Protect Dogs-Yes on 13 campaign, which is promoting passage of the amendment, said in a statement the challenge “was a desperate attempt to prevent voters from having a voice on whether greyhound confinement and deaths should continue.”

The campaign has bipartisan support from Republicans — Attorney General Pam Bondi and  Congressman Matt Gaetz — and Democrats — state Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith and House District 47 candidate Anna Eskamani, to name a few.

“This is a major victory for Florida’s greyhounds and as an animal lover, I am absolutely elated by the court’s ruling,” Eskamani said in a text message. “I have no doubt that Floridians will overwhelmingly support Amendment 13 and end the cruel industry of greyhound racing in our state.”

The challenge “was filed because greyhound breeders know that when Amendment 13 appears on the ballot, Floridians will vote ‘yes’ for the dogs,” the campaign added. “Florida has a proud tradition of leading on animal welfare, and we are confident Amendment 13 will pass in November.”

Jim Rosica

Jim Rosica is the Tallahassee-based Senior Editor for Florida Politics. He previously was the Tampa Tribune’s statehouse reporter. Before that, he covered three legislative sessions in Florida for The Associated Press. Jim graduated from law school in 2009 after spending nearly a decade covering courts for the Tallahassee Democrat, including reporting on the 2000 presidential recount. He can be reached at [email protected].


  • Greyhound nation

    September 7, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    We won’t back down this fight is not over !!! We are the underdog but the truth will hopefully prevail

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 12:43 pm

      You’re right – the truth will prevail! The truth that greyhound racing is a cruel and inhumane industry. The more people understand, the more they say #YesOn13!

  • Dennis Zagaglia

    September 7, 2018 at 7:40 pm

    If it’s inhuman then what about the horses i say they are animals so why not put them on the ballot


    September 7, 2018 at 8:05 pm

    Eskamani you have no idea what your talking about Greyhounds have never been abused and hopefully someone like you has better things to do than to stop greyhound racing and loose 1000’s of jobs . Greyhounds were born to run they love to run they been in Florida 100 years they belong in florida . To the people of Florida dont be fooled greyhounds are treated like kings dont destroy what they love to do stand tall Florida and keep the Greyhounds running . Abuse its just a sin that these people want to kill the greyhound breeding and the livelihood of 1000,s if workers . Stand up Florida keep the dogs racing and keep the jobs that people need to survive ….

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 12:45 pm

      The dogs belong in Florida, but not in racing cages. They don’t belong on racetracks where they are injured and killed for measly profits. There are other jobs out there for the handful of people that work in the industry.

      Greyhounds deserve better – vote #YesOn13!

  • Craig Laginess

    September 7, 2018 at 8:55 pm

    The anti-racing people won this battle, but the war is on and the fine citizens of Florida will defeat the proposed amendment in November.

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 12:46 pm

      The war is definitely going to be won by lies and ad hominem attacks, but that’s all the industry has to put out there. The more people learn about the reality of greyhound racing, the more likely they are to vote Yes on 13!

  • Phil Fremont

    September 7, 2018 at 10:01 pm

    These bums in grey2k have no interest in animal rights and then drag in legitimate humane groups with their grandstanding and theatrics this vile group of comes from these two grifters Dorchak and Theil who lassoed a few nutjob liberal Moonbat retired greyhound owners in the crazy liberal bastions of Jamaica Plain and Brookline and created this shit show claiming to heal abuse put upon racing greyhounds if these lowlifes and the Florida humane society really wanted to address animal rights they would focus on the million stray dogs needing homes in this country that are brought to shelters to find homes that do the real dirty work these phonies play this high visibility game with greyhounds because it gives them a feeling of want and need and importance they love the cameras and notariety and taking peoples money for what the real issues are on the streets of this country and the garbage that leaves all the anima9for dead where is grey2k’s COMPASSION Zfor real suffering all a bunch if loosers in life and saving lives

  • Don Goldstein

    September 7, 2018 at 10:27 pm

    The Florida Supreme Court has confidence in the Florida voters ability to read and understand plain language and we’re glad that the voters will have the opportunity to decide the fate of greyhound racing in Florida. With a greyhound dying every 3 days on a Florida track, with 70 cocaine positives in greyhounds, with untold injuries to these gentle dogs at Florida’s 11 tracks, we are confident that Florida voters will side with the dogs and vote YES ON 13.

  • Kelly Faircloth

    September 7, 2018 at 10:39 pm

    The Florida Supreme Court did the right thing today, and Florida voters will do the right thing in November, by voting Yes on 13. Far too many greyhounds have been drugged, injured and killed for this archaic blood “sport” and we do not want or need this in our state. #VoteYesOn13

    • Joe T

      September 7, 2018 at 11:28 pm

      Don your a fraud just like the group you support, your a bold face liar and fit right in with the scammers, dont count your ballots before they are cast, The people of Florida are smart enough to know a hack job from out of state loony tunes when they see it

      • Eric Jackson

        September 9, 2018 at 12:49 pm

        “Out of state loony tunes…” I’m sorry, where is your campaign chairwoman from? Isn’t it South Carolina? You can’t argue the facts so you resort to baseless allegations and personal insults.

        The people of Florida will vote Yes on 13 because they see the reality of greyhound racing – a cruel and inhumane industry.

        • Jennifer Newcome

          September 9, 2018 at 6:00 pm

          I’m actually originally from Massachusetts, where I lived happily until the beginning of 2010. After I was wrongfully victimized and slandered by the likes of people who have yet to meet a lie that they didn’t like, I had a choice to make. I left my family behind to move to Florida in order to continue to pursue my passion- greyhounds and greyhound racing. While I am currently in Texas, I also have a residence in Florida where I do spend a good amount of my time. And one thing that I can say for sure, Florida will not be another Massachusetts. The jig is up, your bedfellows are disgusting, and the truth with prevail when Floridians vote NO on 13 this November.

          • Eric Jackson

            September 9, 2018 at 6:17 pm

            The truth is well known – that the greyhound racing industry is cruel and inhumane. The result in Florida will be the same as it was in Massachusetts – greyhound racing will end.

          • Jennifer Newcome

            September 10, 2018 at 1:30 pm

            Don’t bet on it… Pun intended

  • Craig Laginess

    September 7, 2018 at 10:43 pm

    They are athletes. Everytime an athlete plays their sport there is risk of injury. A football player has a greater chance of injury than a greyhound. How many of the deaths are actually race related? Racecar drivers die while participating in their sport. The cocaine positives had ZERO canine DNA and it was less than one thousandth of a percent tested. Vote NO on 13. #grey2klies #hsuslies

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 12:54 pm

      Another false claim. What is the injury rate for football players? When was the last time a football player was killed on the field? If any human was dying at the rate of greyhounds, the sport would be banned.

      We know greyhounds die at the rate of approximately one every three days on Florida tracks alone. That number was supported by state and track records.

      Greyhounds with treatable injuries are too often put down because the owners/trainers view a dog that can’t race as a liability, just taking up kennel space. Can you imagine the outcry if a football player with a broken leg was taken out behind the stadium and executed?

      • Joannie Foster

        September 9, 2018 at 4:13 pm

        Eric Jackson, an article in the Washington Post, Jan 26, 2018, reported that NFL players suffered 281 concussions in 2017, up 15.6% from 2016. That report doesn’t include all of the other injuries sustained. reported that 8 high school football players died, as a result of injuries sustained on the field, in 2013 alone. There are risks of injuries simply crossing a street, but millions of people do it every day. I can tell you that I have personally seen MANY dogs (and I can give names and dates), who had an injury that would keep them from racing again, rehabbed so that they could become a pet. The rehab sometimes takes place in the racing kennels, sometimes in foster homes, but those dogs are NOT euthanized! I don’t work in the industry, nor do I live in Florida. I have no financial stake in the outcome here. I HAVE, however, been to racing kennels in my state as well as in Florida, and am compelled to call out liars, such as yourself, when I see them. You like to throw out misinformation about greyhounds, but I guarantee that you have NEVER seen what I have, because you’ve never been there. Your agenda is to keep the donation money coming in, and have to lie to people to make that happen. If you are so concerned about greyhound well-fare then tell me how much of your budget is allocated to helping rehome them if racing ends? 00.01%? If you intend to tell me that you HAVE been in kennels in Florida, kindly tell me the kennel name and the year. Forgive me for not believing you. I know your tactics far too well!

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 4:28 pm

          Any claim I make about the deaths of greyhounds is based on the official state record of those deaths. Are you going to claim the entire DBPR lie by making up numbers? Then you better go after the owners/trainers filing those reports with the state. There are reports over and over of dogs being killed because of broken legs. Those are the facts. I don’t know what your experience has been, and I don’t really care, but your personal anecdotes in no way invalidate the documentation from Florida and other states.

          • Joannie Foster

            September 9, 2018 at 5:35 pm

            Eric Johnson, I won’t lower myself to a pissing match with you. Since I know a bit about you, I know you have nothing better to do. I have a life. I noticed you’ve been busy attacking everyone here whose opinions differ from yours. People like you aren’t worthy of my time. Bash, and lie all you want. It shows your true character. #TRUTHWILLPREVAIL

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 5:54 pm

          Well, Joannie, you’re right about one thing – the truth will prevail, and the people will vote #YesOn13! The truth is that commercial greyhound racing is a cruel and inhumane industry and it is on its way out. I look forward to the day when the final track in Iowa shuts down, too.

          You can take your lies, misinformation, and ad hominem attacks elsewhere.

          • Joannie Foster

            September 9, 2018 at 9:21 pm

            Eric Jackson, against my better judgement, I have to address two things. First, no, I don’t dispute the DBPR’s statistics of reporting greyhound deaths, whatever the cause may have been. That’s their job. Wouldn’t you agree, then, that if the dogs were treated the way your organization portrays them to be that the DBPR would have piles upon piles of reports stating such? Alas, there are no piles of abuse reports. The dogs are well cared for, and the state division tasked with seeing to that fact apparently thinks so to. Second, you still haven’t answered my question regarding how much money has your group allocated, from your “budget”, to helping the greyhounds if racing were to end? Surely, since you are certain it will happen, you had the sense to know that thousands of greyhounds would need to be fed, and housed, every day until they were adopted. The folks who care for them now will be lucky to be able to feed themselves, as their livelihoods will be gone. There are NOWHERE NEAR enough adoption groups in this country to absorb the unprecedented number of dogs we are talking about! They will need food, housing, transportation. All of these things will cost a LOT of money. Pam Bondi has committed to taking 1000 dogs, but she’s as big a liar as you. So, I would appreciate a straightforward answer. No smoke and mirrors. No passing the buck. Give me numbers ONLY, either by percentages or dollar amounts. ANY other reply will be considered as avoiding the question.

          • Eric Jackson

            September 9, 2018 at 9:52 pm

            We have those stacks of reports, Joannie. The state sets minimum standards of care and many kennels seem to consider that sufficient rather than the bare minimum. And there are still kennel inspection reports that detail problems.

            There are hundreds of adoption groups across the country who are ready, willing, and able to take in every one of those greyhounds. Every year thousands of greyhounds cycle out of the industry and are taken in by groups. Amendment 13 calls for racing to be phased out over several years. When it passes, there won’t be thousands of additional greyhounds needing homes year after year.

            Perhaps if your cohort would stop trying to blacklist groups that have a long history of taking greyhounds and placing them in appropriate, loving homes, you wouldn’t be so worried about what will happen. It’s ridiculous to claim that greyhound racing should continue to injure and kill dogs because otherwise, you’re going to…what, kill the dogs? It sounds stupid, but that’s exactly the argument some pro-racers have put forth. We won’t have greyhounds held hostage by an industry that exploits them.

            You want numbers, fine. The adoption groups have consistently raised millions of dollars a year to take care of greyhounds the industry wants to dispose of. There’s no reason not to expect that to continue until the last greyhound track is shuttered and the dogs are in loving homes.

          • Joannie Foster

            September 10, 2018 at 12:15 am

            Eric, as expected, you didn’t answer my question. I’m certain that people who donate money to your group would like to know the answer, as well. So, I will ask one more time. How much money has been allocated from your budget that will go DIRECTLY to helping the greyhounds if racing were to end? It isn’t a difficult question. I don’t understand why you won’t simply answer it. Please don’t give me another bulls?*t rant. Answer that ONE question with hard numbers.

    • Susie

      September 9, 2018 at 2:08 pm

      C’mon. Of all the arguments I’ve seen, this one is the flimsiest. You can’t compare greyhounds to football players and racecar drivers, because those are people who have CHOSEN to take the risk.

      • Craig Laginess

        September 10, 2018 at 6:02 am

        Yes I can compare the two, they are all athletes. All athletes face a threat of injury everything they play their sport. Greyhounds love to run, they aren’t forced to run. When they don’t want to run then they retire to couch(one of mine has her head on my lap right now) and quite a few become service dogs.

  • Joannie Foster

    September 7, 2018 at 10:44 pm

    This decision makes me nauseous! It is wrong on so many levels I would have to write a book to address them all. I live in Iowa, but have followed every single detail of this circus from the beginning. I even attended the last CRC public hearing in St. Petersburg. Wasn’t it interesting that this proposal NEVER used the words “humane treatment of animals” until the morning that followed that last hearing? Tom Lee waited until public input was out of the equation to entirely rewrite the proposal. There were 37 Commissioners in the CRC. They were given 365 to travel around the state and, among other things, “perform research” on the proposals. Time after time after time, they were invited to visit the racing kennels and farms. They had hundreds of invitations extended to them. Do you know how many went to see, for themselves, what goes on in the racing kennels? How many “performed research” on the subject? One. Let me repeat that. ONE! I find that totally unacceptable! How could they vote on something they have never even seen, and know NOTHING about? Oh, that’s right! They took the word of out-of-state “activists” who, also, have never been inside a racing kennel. Are you beginning to see what is wrong with this picture? An entire industry stands to be eliminated, based on what I just described. SHAME ON YOU FLORIDA “OFFICIALS”! I think you need to add “Basic Morals” to your Constitution. What a disgrace you are.

    • Lori

      September 7, 2018 at 11:09 pm

      And it should also be noted that the one Commissioner who went to see for himself voted against the proposal.

      • Joannie Foster

        September 8, 2018 at 2:10 am

        He said he was voting that way because of the gambling aspect of it. He had praise for the care of the dogs.

        • Lori

          September 8, 2018 at 7:53 am

          He voted against putting the amendment on the ballot. He was on our side. I urge all Floridians to vote NO on this amendment. Greyhounds are well cared for during their careers and then adopted out to loving homes.

          • Eric Jackson

            September 9, 2018 at 12:57 pm

            Except the greyhounds that die on the track or are killed because of treatable injuries. One every three days, approximately, based on state records.

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 12:56 pm

      You make a lot of allegations there but I don’t see anything presented to support your claims. An entire industry has been propped up artificially for decades, and it’s time to let it go. Greyhound racing has always been a cruel, inhumane industry, and now the public is learning the facts behind it, they’re saying enough is enough.

      • Craig Laginess

        September 9, 2018 at 2:10 pm

        Eric, you are using out-dated facts about injuries and death. Injured greyhounds are treated and not put down. Just ask the 83 adoption groups against Amendment 13. Go back to running your Nickelback fan club and let the greyhounds run. #grey2klies #votenoon13

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 2:16 pm

          No, Craig, I am using the most current numbers available. If you did the research, you’d know that. Do you need to see the state death records? Because we can show them to you. Or you can request them from the state yourself.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 2:37 pm

            An independent audit was done with injured greyhounds and it showed that 85% of injured greyhounds made their next start, 14% only missed only one start and the remaining 1% was adopted out. The chance of injury is less than 1%. 83 adoption groups oppose 13. How much of Grey2k’s donations actually help the dogs and not pay salaries or lobbyists??? Talk to me about facts when Grey2k is not paying salaries or lobbyists.

          • Eric Jackson

            September 9, 2018 at 3:15 pm

            Where’s the support for your claim, Craig? Where can we find this independent audit?

            Does the audit support your claim about injury rates? I look forward to reading more about how that number was derived.

            I’m happy to talk to you about facts, but I’m still waiting for you to present evidence to support your claims.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 3:30 pm

            An audit was done at Palm Beach. Google it or go to the NGA website. 83 greyhound adoption groups including 2 that I help who oppose 13 can’t be wrong.

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 3:50 pm

          There’s a lot of stuff to wade through on the NGA site. When was this audit done? Or is this a wild goose chase and you’re making up numbers out of whole cloth again?

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 5:40 pm

            No wild goose chase the audit was done in 2017. Where was Grey2k when Hurricane Irma came through last year? They were bashing the kennel operators for STAYING with the dogs riding the storm out with them. Like I said earlier we’ll discuss facts more when Grey2k stops paying salaries and lobbyists. Now go back to singing Justin Bieber and Nickelback songs with Carey, Christine and Fred. #votenoon13 #grey2klies

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 5:58 pm

          And who, pray tell, conducted this audit? You said it’s on the NGA website, but where? Please provide some kind of link or even a title so it can be tracked down.

          Speaking of salaries, how much are you paid by the greyhound racing industry? How much do the NGA and the FGA spend on salaries? How much do they pay Jack Cory? Maybe if they spent more money on the greyhounds the industry wouldn’t be in the position of trying to defend the indefensible treatment of the dogs. GREY2K USA Worldwide operates with a very small paid staff. Can you say the same about your pro-facing groups and associations?

          The entire #YesOn13 campaign is a grassroots effort supported by volunteers across the state and around the world.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 6:16 pm

            Eric, I’m not paid one red cent by anyone connected to the industry. I help feed college kids for a living in Ohio. The only money I make off the dogs is the money I win betting on them. The FGA is not a charity so it’s acceptable to pay salariesand lobbyists. Talk to me when Grey2k actually gives a care about the dogs (#grey2knowheretobefoundirma) and doesn’t pay salaries and lobbyists! 83 adoption groups can’t be wrong in opposing amendment 13. The more you spew your nonsense the bigger southbound end of a northbound you become. Enjoy singing your Justin Bieber songs with your fellow LIARS and COWARDS. I’m done with this pissing match with you until Grey2k openly debates the pro-racing experts.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 6:26 pm

            One last thing, I forgot, how can the yes on 13 be a grass roots effort when most of their money has come from organizations with ties to terrorist organizations, moved millions to offshore accounts and have stolen copyrighted material to manipulate it to take advantage of the uniformed and uneducated voters? Grassroots my fat a–, i call shenanigans! The No on 13 campaign is a TRUE grassroots campaign getting help from individuals like me all over the world because we see through the Grey2k and HSUS lies. #votenoon13 #grey2klies

          • Eric Jackson

            September 9, 2018 at 6:27 pm

            So you’re spouting this nonsense for free, and from Ohio? Well, that’s interesting.

            Charities work because they have a paid staff that makes their mission possible. Name one charity that doesn’t have a paid staff? And the mission of GREY2K USA Worldwide is to end greyhound racing by changing laws. That’s accomplished through lobbying and advocacy.

            Complaining that GREY2K USA Worldwide doesn’t do enough to help dogs shows your true ignorance of our work. There are groups across the country who have received monetary and other support from GREY2K USA Worldwide. The best thing we can do to help greyhounds is ending their exploitation by an industry that caters to people like you who turn a blind eye to the suffering as long as you can make your wagers. There are other forms of gambling you can waste your money on that don’t involve injuring and killing dogs.

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 6:29 pm

          Craig, you keep making these serious allegations but you have yet to provide any evidence to support your claims. Either provide evidence or stop making false statements.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 6:41 pm

            I’ve given you the information look it up for yourself if you’re so smart. Palm Beack Kennel Club July, August and September 2017. #grey2klies #votenoon13 #donewiththispissingmatch

          • Eric Jackson

            September 9, 2018 at 7:19 pm

            So you can’t find it, is that what you’re saying?

    • Jennifer Newcome

      September 9, 2018 at 6:24 pm

      Tom Lee didn’t even write the Proposal. He studdered and deffered to his notes for every question posed his way. In fact, there is written proof from the President of Grey2K USA Christine Dorchak in which she proclaims that she is “so glad that the Supreme Court approved the language that she wrote” to be on the Florida ballot this November. As well as proof of her commenting as Protect Dogs- Yes on 13. Grassroots my behind… It’s all simply part of the money funneling scheme and a campaign based on deliberate deception and the altering of stolen footage/photographs. I mean, really… PD13 touts the HSUS as one of their main supporters. The same group who has endorsed Michael Vick as a responsible pet owner for a $50,000 donation.

      While Grey2K have actually made themselves moot, slim pickings by the alliances that they have chosen, it is clear that they are in panic mode. Otherwise, why would Carey Theil have called the Committee to Support Greyhounds’ billboard company, emploring them to remove the billboards? Why would Carey Theil also have called upon the DBPR to not allow kennel tours to take place? Why would Carey Theil have bullied the folks from the Round Table to leave the footage on the cutting room floor after Carlos Guillermo Smith backed out and walked out of the studio when he saw the opposition? The result of the broadcast would have caused him to crawl back into his hole in Oregon. The answer is simple- the TRUTH kills thier misplaced credibility and hurts their personal bank accounts.

      • Eric Jackson

        September 9, 2018 at 6:33 pm

        So you’re buying into the conspiracy theory that GREY2K USA Worldwide is responsible for the DBPR enforcing their own rule? Weren’t your folks supposed to be demanding records from the DBPR to “prove” Carey’s involvement? How’s that going? You know what you’re going to find? Carey and GREY2K USA Worldwide had nothing to do with the DBPR decision. Maybe you should consider that broadcasting your intent to violate state law brought the regulators down on yourselves.

        It’s sad that you, too, have resorted to rank speculation and fantasy because you can’t defend what the greyhound racing industry does. The greyhounds deserve better.

      • Craig Laginess

        September 9, 2018 at 6:34 pm

        I am actually in Michigan, but work in Ohio. I do it for free because I believe in the truth. I can name several charities that don’t pay salaries. You’re so smart Google it if you want names. Like I said before I’m done with this pissing match with you and your Justin Bieber loving cohorts .

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 7:20 pm

          You’re big on telling people to find the support for the claims you’re making. You should probably try Googling stuff yourself. If you can’t back up your own claims you should stop making them.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 7:29 pm

            Soroptomist International
            Greyhounds of Eastern Michigan
            Frog town Hoppers Homebrew Club
            It’s A Grey Area Greyhound adoption group
            Toledo Choral Society
            American Homebrewers Association
            Glasscity Mashers
            Monroe Muskrat Mashers
            Greyhound Expressions

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 7:22 pm

          You do what for free, Craig?

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 8:33 pm

          Nice try, but you should research before you post these things, Craig.

          Soroptimist International to the Americas:
          Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column (A), lines 5-10): $2,735,259

          Clearly, they’re paying somebody.

          The American Homebrewers Association is a trade group, not a charity. Several of the groups you listed are clubs.

          How many of the other groups have full-time employees? It’s nice that people can run clubs or volunteer at these things as hobbies, but I imagine you’ll find that they all have a separate source of income. The people who run charities full-time draw a salary.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 8:49 pm

            My wife corrected me about Soroptomist, but the local chapters are all volunteer. The clubs and groups I listed are 501c charities. You wanted examples I gave them to you. I am sorry people have real jobs, that don’t involve, lies, manipulation and theft to get donations like Grey2k.
            Soroptomist grants more awards in Michigan in one year than Grey2k gives towards the actual greyhounds worldwide in one year based on your 2016 numbers. Now leave me alone unless you accept my bet on amendment 13.

          • Eric Jackson

            September 9, 2018 at 8:58 pm

            There are different 501(c) categories, Craig. GREY2K USA Worldwide, for instance, is a 501(c)(4) – a lobbying group. Everyone who donates knows that. If people want to donate to a 501(c)(3) charity, then they donate to the GREY2K USA Education Fund.

            Complaining that GREY2K USA Worldwide doesn’t do enough to fund greyhound adoption is like complaining your local police department doesn’t put out enough fires. Or that the fire department doesn’t make enough arrests. Different jobs, different agencies.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 9:17 pm

            So lobbying, lying, stealing and manipulation is called “education” in Grey2kland. Thanks for clarifying that. You are not going to change my stance on greyhound racing because I know the whole story. For example Grey2k got the crate sizes shrunk, but yet none of the facilities went to the smaller crates or when members of Grey2k made fun of the kennel operators staying with the dogs during hurricane Irma last year or why Grey2k had to change their name. Now let met drink my craft beer and watch football. #donewiththispissingmatch #votenoon13 #grey2klies

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 9:41 pm

          Having trouble staying focused, Craig? I know I’m not going to change your mind about greyhound racing because you’re already invested in your opinion. No matter how much evidence is presented to you, you’ll stubbornly cling to your mistaken beliefs.

          I have no idea what you’re referring to with changes in cage sizes. The size of crates is mandated, and GREY2K USA Worldwide has nothing to do with that. As far as anyone making fun of trainers/owners staying with dogs during a hurricane, I think you’re confusing your fantasies with reality again. Maybe you should cut down on the beer before you post on the internet.

  • Brad Nichols

    September 7, 2018 at 11:13 pm

    We have got to vote no on amendment 13. I can’t believe this

    6=1 decision. Very disappointed in the Florida Supreme Court. This

    will be a disaster for so many, including the Greyhounds who love to

    run. So many are not informed of the truth.

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 12:59 pm

      The greyhounds will still get to enjoy what they love – running and playing. They won’t be put at risk of injury and death for a few measly bets, though. There are many people who know the truth of greyhound racing, and they will all vote #YesOn13. Greyhound racing is cruel, inhumane and long past time to be ended.

  • Brad Nichols

    September 7, 2018 at 11:23 pm

    We have to vote no on amendment 13. Very disappointed in the Florida

    Supreme Court. This would be a disaster for many including the Greyhounds

    who love to run. We must get the truth out there

  • Brad Nichols

    September 8, 2018 at 5:36 am

    We need to vote no on amendment 13. Very disappointed in The

    Florida Supreme Court. This would be a disaster for many, including

    the Greyhounds. So much propaganda. The dogs love to run.

    • jan oberman

      September 8, 2018 at 11:04 am

      My greyhound loves to run. That’s why I bring her to the dog park.

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 12:59 pm

      The truth is out there – well researched, documented, and cited. That’s why so many people will vote #YesOn13.

      • Craig Laginess

        September 9, 2018 at 7:08 pm

        Eric, put your money and pride where your mouth is. If 13 passes I’ll donate $1 to Michigan REGAP, if it doesn’t you donate $1 to Greyhound Pets of America.

        • Eric Jackson

          September 9, 2018 at 7:19 pm

          I already donate to greyhound rescue, and a lot more than $1.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 9, 2018 at 7:34 pm

            Well if you aren’t willing to take my small but yet significant wager you are truly a chicken and coward. I was proposing a gentleman’s bet, but you definitely are not one. Now go on enjoy singing your Justin Bieber and Nickelback songs and I’ll enjoy my craft beer and football. #donewiththispissngmatch

          • Eric Jackson

            September 9, 2018 at 8:23 pm

            I don’t wager on greyhounds, Craig. I find inherent value in them.

  • Jon S

    September 8, 2018 at 8:16 am

    There are going to be a fair amount of unemployed owners and trainers out there after the people of Florida put greyhound racing down. I propose a program where affected individuals are housed in cages for 23 hours a day, given drugs to increase ability, and forced to perform in front of dwindling crowds of betting retirees and degenerates. When our performers die, we’ll throw them in a pit. Like the dogs now, it’s the life they’re accustomed to – and they love it!

    • Joannie Foster

      September 8, 2018 at 9:21 pm

      My, my! Aren’t you an angry one. Keep in mind that the word “humane” has “human” contained within it.

      • Eric Jackson

        September 9, 2018 at 1:01 pm

        So does the word “inhumane”, Joannie, and that’s the problem with the greyhound racing industry. It’s all about human profits, not the welfare of the dogs. As long as there is money involved, the greyhounds will suffer at the hands of humans.

  • Craig Laginess

    September 8, 2018 at 12:04 pm

    It’s sad that you believe the lies. The greyhounds are turned out multiple times a day for at least a couple of hours at a time. The crates they are kept in are double the size of the largest crate available in stores. Finally adoption rate is 98 percent, so there are no longer euthanizing the dogs like they were 30 years ago. Please educate yourself on the facts and not the lies of Grey2k and HSUS before you vote.

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 1:07 pm

      Greyhounds are turned out up to four times a day, for as little as 15 minutes a time at some kennels. That’s per the kennel hands responsible.

      The cages the dogs are kept in are a standard size, and it’s smaller than the large-breed crates available at pet stores and online. The size is dictated by the NGA.

      The adoption rate is undetermined and any claims as to actual numbers are pure fabrications. The NGA tracks everything about greyhounds except their ultimate disposition. There is no way to determine how many greyhounds actually reach adoption as there is no paper trail.

      Greyhounds are still being killed, though probably not at the rate they were in the earlier days of the industry when the wholesale destruction of dogs was common. We don’t know how many dogs are killed at the end of their usefulness to the industry as, once again, those numbers are not tracked.

      These are the facts – they’re researched, well documented, and cited by GREY2K USA Worldwide. Copies of supporting documents are available on the website.

  • Joannie Foster

    September 8, 2018 at 5:13 pm

    I would like to address those of you who refuse to do your own research, and, instead, follow the groups who make their living telling lies so you will donate to their “cause”. Greyhound racing is regulated by the state. State inspectors can, and do, show up at any given time to the racing kennels and conduct their inspections. This happens on a regular basis. If the allegations of abuse were true, don’t you think those inspectors would have noticed by now? They do hundreds of unannounced inspections every year. Why aren’t THEY reporting these things? Who should you believe? The group that has NEVER set foot in a racing kennel, but who relies on your donations to continue the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to? Or the state employees, who are in the kennels EVERY day, specifically looking at the conditions of the dogs and their care? To me, that’s a no-brainer.

    • Brad Nichols

      September 8, 2018 at 10:05 pm

      How can you vote to ban the greyhounds from racing, if you
      haven’t done the proper research, because if you have, you
      would not vote to ban them.

      • Captain Obvious

        September 8, 2018 at 11:13 pm

        Dog Exploiters: If you want to win, convince Trump to take up the issue. He can save your jobs with one tweet. Without his help – you’re done.

      • Eric Jackson

        September 9, 2018 at 1:12 pm

        No, people who have done the research overwhelmingly support the end of greyhound racing and can’t believe the industry has been artificially propped up for so long. The greyhounds deserve better, and that’s why people are going to vote YesOn13!

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 1:11 pm

      The reports issued by GREY2K USA Worldwide are based on state reports and are supported by state, track, and industry documentation. What the regulators in Florida consider acceptable is very different from what most people would accept for a companion animal like the greyhound. Saying you meet the basic requirements is hardly commendable.

      The YesOn13 campaign is a grassroots effort supported by GREY2K USA Worldwide. The people out there working their butts off to spread the word about the cruelty and inhumanity of greyhound racing are volunteers. They are out there because they believe the greyhounds deserve better than the treatment they get from the greyhound racing industry.

  • Christina Osborne

    September 8, 2018 at 9:23 pm

    Wake up Florida,They are playing the old okie doke on you! By voting yes you are voting yes to more casinos everywhere in your state which is what you have voted no on in the past.
    I urge you to do your research and not let radical out of state and out of there mind activists make decisions for YOUR state.
    Vote NO on 13.

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 1:16 pm

      Ending greyhound racing has nothing to do with expanding casinos, just ending the commercial greyhound racing industry.

      When you speak of “out of state activists,” are you referring to the chairwoman of the campaign to keep greyhound racing? You know, the one who lives in South Carolina?

      The folks supporting Amendment 13, the Committee to Protect Dogs, are Florida residents who have a great understanding of the reality of the industry and believe the greyhounds deserve better. That’s why they and so many others are going to vote #YesOn13!

  • Christy O

    September 8, 2018 at 10:06 pm

    Wake up Florida you are being lied to!
    Greyhound Racing was NEVER deemed as inhumane until the Casinos wanted in.This is not an animal welfare issue( tons of slander going on) and these Big Casinos KNOW it but use Grey2K to be there front man for they can expand gambling.
    By voting yes you are allowing major expansion of casinos which is what you have voted against for years.
    Vote No and keep Greyhounds Racing and as always Heavily regulated!

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 1:19 pm

      Greyhound racing has always been inhumane. The industry managed to keep the truth hidden for many years, but now it’s out there. This has always been an animal welfare issue – dogs locked in small cages for up to 23 hours per day, fed raw 4D meat, and injured and killed at an alarming rate.

      Ending greyhound racing has nothing to do with expanding gambling, and claiming that a yes vote on Amendment 13 would result in more casinos is an outright fabrication. Clearly, your intent is to deceive on this issue. You can’t argue the facts so you resort to misdirection and fabrication.

      Vote #YesOn13 because the greyhounds deserve better.

  • Janet Skinner

    September 9, 2018 at 3:01 pm

    I have been talking to Floridians about Amendment 13 and the cruelty of dog racing for months now. I am happy to say that now that it is on the ballot without a doubt, it will pass easily. Support for Amendment 13 is broad and strong – people are grateful that something is finally being done about this inhumane industry. The Supreme Court got it right when it agreed that the people of Florida do consider the humane treatment of animals to be a “fundamental value.” It is extremely telling and sad that the industry does not agree. YES on 13 will rule the day on November 6th!

    • Craig Laginess

      September 9, 2018 at 3:09 pm

      Janet the dogs are truly treated like royalty. Please educate yourself with the truth before you vote on 13 and don’t believe the Grey2k and HSUS lies. #votenoon13

      • Eric Jackson

        September 9, 2018 at 3:17 pm

        “Treated like royalty.” You’re right, sometimes royals found themselves locked in cages and then killed. I don’t think you can reasonably draw any kind of parallel between the treatment of royalty and the current treatment of greyhounds in the industry. Now, if you had said “greyhounds are treated like prisoners” you would have been more accurate in your simile.

    • Eric Jackson

      September 9, 2018 at 3:18 pm

      Thank you, Janet. It really does say a lot about the industry that they oppose the humane treatment of greyhounds. #YesOn13!

  • Fred Barton

    September 10, 2018 at 12:02 pm

    The kennel tour ploy is a distraction. Prop 13 isn’t about how greyhounds are treated in the kennels, because whether they are in a clean, well- lit kennel, or a dirty, dark one they are still being exploited for profit. Ending that exploitation is what Prop 13 is all about.

    • Joannie Foster

      September 10, 2018 at 3:43 pm

      If it weren’t for the fact that tight security surrounds the dogs, keeping them safe, the kennel tours would have happened long ago. The kennel owners have nothing to hide. They call that “transparency” Fred. It is my understanding that participants’ (the public) backgrounds were being checked, also, to maintain the integrity of this security. Your group put a stop to it, because they will stop at nothing in order to keep the truth from their cash supply. If Amendment 13 isn’t about the treatment of the dogs, then why is your “leader” attacking everyone here, using statements to the contrary? You know what? On second thought, I don’t want you to reply to that. You and Eric are cut from the same cloth. Neither of you EVER answers a question directly. You try to blow smoke up my ass, and carefully dance all around it….but never do I get a straight answer. Don’t waste my time.

      • Eric Jackson

        September 10, 2018 at 4:12 pm

        You’ve gotten direct answers to all of your questions. I’m not about to share our budget predictions with a random Iowan.

        Perhaps you don’t understand how Florida regulates their tracks since you’re repeating the lie about GREY2K USA Worldwide shutting down th ed kennel tours. We had nothing to do with that. Common sense would tell you that broadcasting your intent to violate the law was likely to catch the attention of regulators.

  • Fred Barton

    September 10, 2018 at 3:50 pm

    That’s a nice little fiction the industry started, but the truth is, we had nothing to do with it. The rule was set in place by the agency that oversees greyhound racing.

  • Joannie Foster

    September 10, 2018 at 4:13 pm

    ERIC JACKSON, THIS IS MY THIRD REQUEST FOR YOU TO ANSWER MY QUESTION. HOW MUCH MONEY DID G2K ALLOCATE FROM THIS YEAR’S BUDGET TO GO DIRECTLY TO HELPING THE GREYHOUNDS, THE DOGS THEMSELVES, WITH FOOD, TRANSPORTATION, HOUSING, ETC? As I also previously requested, give me the numbers and save the bulls^*t rants for someone else. I’m not interested. I have amazing fact checking resources, should you decide to lie. I know the answer. I want you to tell everyone else.

    • Eric Jackson

      September 10, 2018 at 5:08 pm

      AGAIN, we don’t share our budget numbers with random people. I’ll guarantee that what you have is the tired old misinformation derived from our publicly available IRS Form 990’s. So bring on your “amazing fact-checking resources” and stop wasting everyone’s time with your passive-aggressive, all-caps ranting.

      • Craig Laginess

        September 10, 2018 at 5:16 pm

        In English Grey2k has ZERO budgeted for placement of the dogs if 13 passes, just like they did in Massachusetts.

        • Eric Jackson

          September 10, 2018 at 5:58 pm

          If I said we had $2 Million budgeted it wouldn’t matter to you, Craig. Maybe you can take the $1 you planned on wagering and donate it to one of the adoption groups the industry is counting on to, once again, look after the dogs the industry has no more use for.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 10, 2018 at 6:23 pm

            Eric, why am I not surprised that you threw my gentleman’s bet back in my face? The more you talk the bigger horses ass you make yourself look like. #ericlovesnickelback #grey2klies #votenoon13

        • Eric Jackson

          September 10, 2018 at 6:32 pm

          “Gentleman’s bet”? It was a pathetic stunt.

      • Joannie Foster

        September 11, 2018 at 12:44 am

        Eric, I will make this short and to the point.

        In 2017, grey2k reported a Revenue of $737,157. Nearly three quarters of one million dollars. Thirty percent (30 %) was paid out in salaries. We all know it was more, but we’ll leave it at that. Over eleven percent (11 %) went for “postage, printing, other office expenses”. On the line where g2k typed in “Donations to adoption groups” was a figure that amounted to four point two five percent (4.25 %) of the total revenue. To put that in perspective, “All other expenses”, which is reserved for the little things that don’t fit into other specific categories, amounted to three point five percent (3.5 %) I know you will say that more money will go to the greyhounds in 2018, because you want your donors to believe that. From 2001 to 2016 g2k’s “Contributions/Grants” (money to the greyhounds) amounted to one point six percent (1.6 %) of the six million plus ($6,000,000+) dollars they took in from donations. If I were giving my hard earned money to your group I’d be a little pissed off that very little of it was going where I thought it would. Just sayin’.

        • Eric Jackson

          September 11, 2018 at 12:13 pm

          “There is none so blind as he who will not see.” ~ John Heywood
          “Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not.” ~ Jeremiah, 5:21

          We’ve explained this to you before. We’re an advocacy group, Joannie, not an adoption group. Your complaint that we don’t spend enough on adopting greyhounds is akin to complaining the police department isn’t putting out enough fires or the fire department isn’t making enough arrests.

          The people who support GREY2K USA Worldwide know exactly what they are donating toward. The only people who are confused are you and your pro-racing ilk who remain willfully ignorant.

          • Craig Laginess

            September 11, 2018 at 7:05 pm

            Advocacy groups just don’t go push for a change with lies, manipulation and theft and then leave the mess for others to clean up. If 13 passes, which it won’t, Grey2k will leave the expenses of taking care of the dogs to the owners, kennels and taxpayers just like they did in Massachusetts.

          • Eric Jackson

            September 11, 2018 at 7:39 pm

            Again, Craig, GREY2K USA Worldwide donates thousands of dollars and other support to adoption groups across the country each year. It’s not our main mission but it is an important part of our work to improve the life of greyhounds.

          • Joannie Foster

            September 14, 2018 at 2:44 am

            “Hear now this, O foolish people…” I am fully aware that greed2k is not an adoption group! If this ridiculous Amendment were to pass, which is highly unlikely, the number of greyhounds that would be displaced would be unprecedented. Very few would move to other tracks. There is a process that every good greyhound adoption group puts the dogs through in order to increase the likelihood that their transition to being a pet, and subsequent adoption, are successful. This begins with spay/neuter, and ends in a foster home, before they are adopted. I don’t care what you, or Fred Barton say, there are not enough adoption groups, or foster homes, to absorb this unprecedented number of dogs. Yes, I know that it is supposedly a “phasing out” of racing, but there will be tracks that would close in December, others later on. If you were truly interested in the welfare of the dogs, you would know this, and already have a plan in place to house, feed, and care for them while they wait to go to a group. Fred says the state is going to help with that. Really? Somebody needs to inform the State of Florida then, because I guarantee you that they aren’t aware of that fact. So, when I ask how much money you have set aside, to take care of the dogs who will be in a situation that no one has ever had to deal with, THAT is the reason. You want to claim all the “glory” of being “dog protectors”, when in fact you will be putting them in jeopardy. Don’t tell me that these things never crossed any of your small minds. The only time greed2k is interested in talking about money is when it’s going into their bank account.
            This is unrelated, but I have nowhere else to bring the matter up, as I am unable to leave messages to your many groups. One of your board members, Kelly Driscoll, has been posting some horrendous lies, even by g2k’s standards, on the “Nextdoor” app. She is claiming that “ex racers from this country are currently being sold to Asian countries for meat. Ending racing would cut down on that practice significantly.” WTF? That is one of the most disgusting lies I’ve heard yet! Tell her that it would be good idea to remove that ASAP. That is all I will say about it, now. She also states that your group has “donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to adoption groups”. Per our conversation, we know that to be untrue. Somebody needs to put a muzzle on that woman before she gets you guys into some deep trouble. Just sayin’.

  • Fred Barton

    September 10, 2018 at 5:39 pm

    You do realize that if Prop 13 passes racing won’t end the next day don’t you? There will be many participants helping to move greyhounds to safety. The state being one of them, just as the state did in Wisconsin.

  • Michael

    September 10, 2018 at 8:01 pm

    Same old cast of characters blabbing back and forth. Idiots trying to reason with retards and vise versa. In a mere few weeks it’s over then what are you dopes going to do?

  • Craig Laginess

    September 10, 2018 at 8:20 pm

    Eric, Fred, Carey and Christine will go out on tour singing Justin Bieber and Nickelback tunes to crowds of 17 people, claiming to be the real bands. I myself will brew more beer and smoke more tasty delicious dead animals.

    • Fred Barton

      September 10, 2018 at 9:13 pm

      Of course you realize that the way you’ve written that implies Prop 13 will pass.

      • Craig Laginess

        September 10, 2018 at 9:20 pm

        Fred, anyway I write it you manipulators will translate it to your liking.

        • Fred Barton

          September 11, 2018 at 7:11 am

          Not much to manipulate there. Why else would we all come down to Florida to travel around the state singing and celebrating while you’ve got nothing to do but sit home and barbecue?

    • Michael

      September 10, 2018 at 9:13 pm

      Oh its definitly clear that you do smoke things and soak your head in booze.

  • Craig Laginess

    September 10, 2018 at 9:18 pm

    Guarantee that I’ll pass any drug test, just because I brew beer and drink a pint or two six days a week doesn’t mean that I’m constantly drunk, it’s actually healthy for my ticker and it helps me watch Detroit Lions football games.

  • Fred Barton

    September 11, 2018 at 9:31 pm

    I must have missed the meeting where Grey2K agreed to be responsible for everything that happened in Florida if Prop 13 passes. My understanding was that we were only one of many groups, including the state itself which defended the
    Proposal before the Supreme Court.

  • Craig Laginess

    September 11, 2018 at 9:51 pm

    I’ve seen hookers and drug dealers with better morals than Grey2k and the Humane Society of the United States. #votenoon13 #grey2klies

Comments are closed.


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