The Florida AFL-CIO endorsed Amb. Nancy Soderberg Friday in the race for Florida’s 6th Congressional District.
Soderberg, a Democrat, is up against Republican Mike Waltz for the right to fill Ron DeSantis‘ former spot in the U.S. House.
“The Florida AFL-CIO is proud to endorse Nancy Soderberg for the US Congress on behalf of the more than one million workers, retirees, and family members we are fortunate to represent,” Mike Williams, President of the Florida AFL-CIO, said.
“Florida’s Labor family knows that we need a new delegation in Washington, one that puts the needs of workers ahead of the corporate special interests and political insiders. Nancy, with her bold vision and determination, is going to be a part of that delegation, and our members are looking forward to being a part of the team that makes that happen.”
“To have the endorsement of the Florida AFL-CIO is an incredible honor,” Soderberg said. “As a U.S. Ambassador, I fought for human rights around the world. I am deeply concerned by the barrage of threats to workers’ rights that are becoming commonplace in this country. I’m running for Congress to be a champion for Florida workers from day one,” Williams added
Though the district has been historically Republican, Soderberg has reasons for confidence.
The former Clinton-era Ambassador to the United Nations has raised over $2 million (nearly double Waltz’s haul), and is polling in a dead heat with Waltz, a former Green Beret and aide to Vice President Dick Cheney.