Per Rasmussen Reports, Democrat Andrew Gillum has a six point lead over Republican Ron DeSantis in the gubernatorial race.
The Rasmussen poll of 800 likely voters was conducted Monday and Tuesday.
Gillum was buoyed by female and NPA voters, and held his own with men and white voters, while DeSantis continues to show difficulty reaching out beyond his base.
DeSantis had just a one point lead (48 to 47 percent) with men, but was 13 points down (50-37) with female voters.
DeSantis likewise was up just one point with white voters (46-45), and down 75-24 with African-American voters. Hispanics, however, favored DeSantis 48-37.
Gillum was up with two of three age cohorts. Though those aged 45-64 favored DeSantis 51-38, Gillum was the favorite of voters 65+ (60-38), and 18-39 (56-32).
Likely voters are already polarized with these candidates. DeSantis had a “very unfavorable” rating of 32 percent, 4 points above his “very favorable” rating; Gillum had a “very favorable” rating of 28 percent and a “very unfavorable” rating of 26 percent.
Both Gillum and DeSantis can count on the votes of at least 80 percent of their own party, if the survey is accurate. NPAs break in this survey toward Gillum by a 54-29 percent margin.
This is the second Republican-leaning poll to show Gillum strong this week.
According to a recent poll from the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Democrat Andrew Gillum is four points up on Republican Ron DeSantis.
The spread there is 47-43, with Gillum ahead in every major media market but Jacksonville.
September 15, 2018 at 1:58 am
The dumb writer did not even mention what NPA is. Journalism Rule #1: Always spell out an appreciation or an acronym at its first usage.
M. M.
September 15, 2018 at 8:36 am
As a Non-Party Affliated (NPA) voter, this is accurate. NPAs are not Independents in Florida as there is an Independent Party in Florida. We NPAs don’t vote in any primaries. Rookie mistake. 👌
Dee Moon
September 15, 2018 at 12:37 pm
you tell that stupid writer! October 9 is the last day to register! to VOTE FOR ANDREW GILLUM! Make sure your voting address matches your driver’s license. You can register or make changes here: Florida Online Voter Registration Website -Online Voter Registration https://registertovoteflorida.gov/en/Registration/Index
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John Kociuba
September 15, 2018 at 8:17 pm
IThe Modern Democrat Party Is Directly Founded Upon Late 18th Century Bolshevik/Menshevik Communism. Indeed these Are No Longer The Andrew Jacksonians Taught In Propaganda 1977 U.S. Department Public Education. Yes. Communists Infiltrated America In The Early 1800s Causing The Civil War Pushed By Propagandist Papers Like New York Tribune In NYC! Yes. The Definition Of Menshevik Communism Is “Democratic-Socialism”! Sound Familiar?
These Clandestine Communists Also Created “Labor Progressive Party” And Only After 1977 Did Progressives Get A New Title From Academia. Yes. Communist Change Titles Like A Snake Sheds Skin. Communists Also Created FOP, AFL-CIO, ACLU, SEIU, JDL, CPUSA, NAACP, Southern Poverty Law Center, Weather Underground Group, Black Panther Party, LaRaza, Black Lives Matter, Antifa.
Yes. Amongst Many Other Federal Institutions And Political Groups. Understand This “Socialism & Communism Is NOT Free Speech”! One Can Be Arrested, Assets Seized, Interrogated, Deported, Under The 1954 Communist Control Act! Be Sufficient In The Dark Arts Of Politics!🔺
John Kociuba
September 15, 2018 at 8:19 pm
Excellent Books On Clandestine Communists Enemies: 1: Between The River And The Mountain; The AFL-CIO And The Vietnam War. 2. The Right Opposition By Jay Lovestone And Robert Alexander. 3 The Lovestonites And The International Communist Opposition. 4. Blacklisted From History: The Untold Story Of Joe McCarthy. 5. Liberal Bolshevism. 6. The Black Book Of Communism: Crimes, Terror And Repression. 7. The Naked Communist By FBI Agent Cleon Skousen. 8. Non Dare Call It Treason. 9. Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Perversion Of Roosevelt’s Whitehouse. 10 . Non Dare Call It Treason 25 Years Later. 11. The Rise Of David Levinsky. 12. I Married A Communist 13. American Betrayal. 14. The Manchurian President. 15. Uncle Sam’s Plantation🔺🎩🌎🇺🇸
John Kociuba
September 15, 2018 at 9:30 pm
They polled 800 people out of millions and they promote this as accurate? The “Law Of Large Numbers” says Ab Asino Niger Lanam!🔺🎩🌎🇺🇸
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