Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for Governor, is peddling a faulty health care plan, according to Americans for Prosperity Action.
The advocacy arm of the Koch-funded super PAC responded to Gillum’s multi-faceted health care plan as spelled out in a television ad released by the Gillum campaign this week. In the 30-second spot, Gillum pledges to “expand Medicaid for over 800,000 working people” and “protect Floridians with pre-existing conditions and protect Medicare for all of our seniors.”
But Medicaid expansion, AFP-Action contends, would limit health care choices in Florida.
“Expanding Medicaid would put Florida’s most vulnerable patients at risk by further limiting their health care choices and would cost the state billions of dollars,” said AFP-Action senior advisor, Chris Hudson. “Andrew Gillum isn’t prepared to lead because his extreme agenda is based on promises he can’t keep and checks he can’t cash.”
AFP-Action cites a study conducted by the Foundation for Government Accountability that found, among other things, states that opted to expand Medicaid saw per-person costs higher than assumed.
The Koch brothers, via The Freedom Partners Action Fund, backed Ron DeSantis, Gillum’s Republican opponent, during the summer. But in criticizing Gillum’s proposed health care plan, no mention of DeSantis is made.
Adds Hudson: “We need more common sense solutions, not Gillum’s extreme agenda that would result in less access to quality care.”
In response to the hit, Florida Democratic Party spokesman Kevin Donohoe suggested DeSantis is beholden to the Koch brothers and a “puppet of corporate special interests.”