A father of a child killed at Sandy Hook just sued the city of Delray Beach, accusing an employee of illegally accessing his driver’s license records.
Lenny Pozner, whose son Noah was among 20 children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, filed a lawsuit in federal court against the city and employee Rhea-Lyn Gerstenkorn.
The complaint says Gerstenkorn on at least three occasions illegally accessed Pozner’s personal information through Florida’s Driver and Information Database through her position at the police department.
Considering Pozner for years battled conspiracy theorists intent on proving his son never existed, he labeled such searches “unwelcome.”
“Mr. Pozner has been a target by Alex Jones and Jones’ extreme right-wing conspiracy co-theorists regarding the Sandy Hook shooting being a government plot that was staged to provide an excuse to confiscate assault rifles,” wrote Mark Tietig, Pozner’s attorney, in the complaint.
Pozner previously sued Jones, the founder of InfoWars. Jones eventually backtracked on Sandy Hook theories.
On Gerstenkorn’s LinkedIn page, she says she has worked as an analyst at the Delray Beach Police Department for more than eight years.
She’s also vice president of membership for the Florida Crime and Intelligence Analyst Association.
Pozner’s lawsuit demands $95,000 in damages from Gerstenkorn specifically and an unspecified amount in damages from the city.
“As a direct and proximate result of the City’s violation of Mr. Pozner’s rights as described in this Count, he has been injured and has suffered damages, including pain and suffering, mental anguish and emotional distress, economic damages, and loss of capacity to enjoy life,” Tietig wrote.
Pozner now lives in Florida, and has taken a lead role among Sandy Hook parents pushing back at conspiracies and so-called “Sandy Hook truthers.”
Many of those theories also have their roots in Florida somehow. Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy promulgated the theory on his blog that the Sandy Hook attacks and several others never took place and had been staged by the government as an excuse to promote gun control legislation.
Tracy eventually got fired, though FAU said that had nothing to do with his theories or Pozner’s campaign to have him fired.
Judy Spangler
October 12, 2018 at 8:41 am
Of all the crazy right-wing conspiracy theories this has to be the absolute sickest and most PATHETIC & DESPICABLE …my God. To attack parents of murdered children and / or to insist those children never even existed…how sick and twisted can these people be? It makes me want to vomit. It also makes me want to cry.
Andrea Whitt
October 13, 2018 at 10:55 am
My niece attended Madison Jr. High in Ohio whenever they had a student open fire in the school cafeteria. Luckily no one died but 4 or 5 injured. There are no words to discribe the panic and emotions we fealty that day. Thank God we have a resource officer in the school at all times. To even suggest to any of those parents from Sandy Hook that the whole thing was conspired by the right wing is as low one could possibly go to rip what little is left of those parents’ hearts.
Judy Spangler
October 13, 2018 at 11:47 am
@Andrea Witt…I’m so sorry your niece went through that…I have 3 teenage granddaughters and I can’t even imagine how terrified they’d be..my God. But yes, these right-wingers like Alex Jones think it’s cute & funny…but it’s actually so sick and pathetic to deny that gun violence exists and that the Sandy Hook kids never died. Sick and pathetic.
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