- 2018 election
- 2018 legislative races
- 2018 state House races
- 2018 state Senate races
- Anthony Rodriguez
- Anthony Sabatini
- Ardian Zika
- bulk endorsement
- Chief Executive Officers of Management Companies
- Chip Lamarca
- David Smith
- endorsement
- endorsements
- HD 115
- HD 118
- HD 28
- HD 32
- HD 37
- HD 47
- HD 57
- HD 59
- HD 66
- HD 69
- HD 71
- HD 73
- HD 79
- HD 89
- HD 93
- HD 98
- Jennifer Webb
- Joe Gruters
- Joe Wicker
- manny diaz
- Marili Cancio
- Mark Anderson
- Michael Gottlieb
- Mike Beltran
- Nick DiCeglie
- SD 16
- SD 23
- SD 36
- SD 40
- Spencer Roach
- Tommy Gregory
- Vance Aloupis
- Will Robinson

A trade group representing a consortium of community association managers rolled out a list of 20 endorsements for non-incumbent candidates running for state House and state Senate seats.
The Chief Executive Officers of Management Companies represents more than 18,000 licensed, professional community association managers who manage more than 14,000 community associations.
“Dedicated to protecting the quality of life and affordable cost of living for six million Florida homeowners, Florida’s licensed Community Association Managers, and the 14,000 Associations who employ them, understand the importance and necessity of educating our legislators and those who seek to become legislators in Florida,” said CEOMC executive director and lobbyist Mark Anderson.
“With so many incumbents not returning to the legislature next year, we focused most of our attention on candidates running in ‘open’ seats throughout Tampa Bay, Orlando, and South Florida. On behalf of CEOMC, I’m pleased to offer our industry’s support for the following candidates.”
Four Senate candidates, all Republicans, got the nod: Former Clearwater Rep. Ed Hooper, who is running against former Democratic Rep. Amanda Murphy in SD 16; Sarasota Rep. Joe Gruters, who faces Democrat Faith Olivia Babis in SD 23; Hialeah Rep. Manny Diaz, who is being challenged by Democratic nominee David Perez, a former firefighter; and Marili Cancio, who is looking to oust first-term Democratic Sen. Annette Taddeo in SD 40.
The other 16 CEOMC endorsements went to state House candidates, including a dozen Republicans and four Democrats. A quintet of those endorsements went to candidates running in some of the most competitive House races of the 2018 cycle.
Those names include Orlando Democrat Anna Eskamani, who is looking to flip HD 47, the seat vacated due to Republican Rep. Mike Miller’s congressional bid; St. Petersburg Democrat Jennifer Webb earned CEOMC’s seal of approval in HD 69, currently held by exiting GOP Rep. Kathleen Peters; Ocean Ridge Democrat Jim Bonfiglio, who is seeking to succeed term-limited Republican Rep. Bill Hager in HD 89; Republican Chip LaMarca, a Broward County Commissioner running against Emma Collum in HD 93.
Miami Republican Anthony Rodriguez was the only House candidate who got CEOMC’s seal of approval over an incumbent lawmaker. Rodriguez is running against freshman Democratic Rep. Robert Asencio in HD 118.
The full list of CEOMC endorsed candidates:
— HD 28: Republican David Smith
— HD 32: Republican Anthony Sabatini
— HD 37: Republican Ardian Zika
— HD 47: Democrat Anna Eskamani
— HD 57: Republican Mike Beltran
— HD 59: Republican Joe Wicker
— HD 66: Republican Nick DiCeglie
— HD 69: Democrat Jennifer Webb
— HD 71: Republican Will Robinson
— HD 73: Republican Tommy Gregory
— HD 79: Republican Spencer Roach
— HD 89: Democrat Jim Bonfiglio
— HD 93: Republican Chip LaMarca
— HD 98: Democrat Michael Gottlieb
— HD 115: Republican Vance Aloupis
— HD 118: Republican Anthony Rodriguez
— SD 16: Former Republican Rep. Ed Hooper
— SD 23: Republican Rep. Joe Gruters
— SD 36: Republican Rep. Manny Diaz
— SD 40: Republican Marili Cancio