Former Puerto Rico Gov. Carlos Romero Barceló, one of the island nation’s most prominent Democrats, campaigned in Miami alongside Republican U.S. Senate candidate Rick Scott on Saturday.
Barceló adds himself to a long list of bipartisan leaders from Puerto Rico supporting the two-term Governor in his bid to unseat longtime Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson.
“As a former Governor, I know what it means to lead, and that is exactly what Governor Scott has done for his neighbors the American citizens in Puerto Rico,” Barceló said.
Like previous Democrats in the Hispanic community who endorsed Scott, Barceló offered no harsh words of criticism for the Democratic incumbent. But he made clear Scott had earned his support, mostly through work done with survivors of Hurricane Maria—both those on the island and the ones who emigrated to Florida after the storm.
“No one has done near the work he has done for the people of Puerto Rico,” Barceló said of Scott.

“He opened the doors for the people of Puerto Rico who came over here, fellow American citizens. He opened the schools for children, he helped them get housing.”
Scott stands beside Barceló in the video emphatically nodding at the reminder every resident of Puerto Rico, an American territory, enjoys full U.S. citizenship.
That also emphasized the stark difference in the treatment of Maria survivors by Florida Republicans as compared to the response of Republican President Donald Trump to the storm.
Trump has tried to downplay the devastation on the island, but Sunshine State Republicans have distanced themselves from that response, including Scott.
And Puerto Rico officials have noticed, and Barceló says that’s why so many support the governor’s Senate ambitions.
“People have to be grateful,” Barceló says. “The best way we can show our gratitude is by making sure he gets elected to the Senate and keeps helping the people of Puerto Rico and the people of Florida.”
Paul Kwiatkowski
October 28, 2018 at 7:44 am
Rick Scott is just another George Bush Junior and evil snake of a man he must not prevail
October 28, 2018 at 8:11 am
Rick Scott is the same as George Bush Jr. And Jeb Bush.
Rick Scott has turned Florida into a 3rd world country all for the almighty green dollar.
People, citizens lives mean nothing to this man.
He is evil. He lies with a smile on his face a scary site to see.
Lazaro Dominguez
October 29, 2018 at 1:13 pm
Yes, we Puertorican people prefer an evil snake that help us in some things than an evil snake like Bill Nelson that has done nothing for all the years he was in charge in Florida. It time for Bill Nelson to retire and die.
Paul Kwiatkowski
October 29, 2018 at 1:32 pm
You should drown both of those rats
Jorge Toro
October 28, 2018 at 8:23 am
Carlos Romero Barcelona does not know what is happening here and how Rick Scott company stole millions from Medicare , Tricare, Medicaid etc No good to be a Senator and keep on getting what is not his
Reynold Cruz Castello
October 28, 2018 at 9:37 am
Wait what ? Did you say Puerto Rico has prominent leaders. Is that some sort of sick joke? If there was even one prominent Puerto Rican politician Puerto Rico would not still be a be a political football, a spectacled game for politicians to kick around. And the article also said that he knows what it is to lead? Is that another sick stupid joke? In juxtaposition to the shameful state of Puerto Rico today, you call that leadership. The only thing politicians do is laugh all the way to the bank on our dime.
Paul Kwiatkowski
October 28, 2018 at 11:03 am
Yeah this is absolutely sickening it has to end blind trust billionaire Rick Scott to hell with that inbred monkey
Ray Tampa
October 28, 2018 at 11:40 am
The job of governor has many, many different facets. Preparing for and responding to hurricanes are two important responsibilities. Some say that Rick Scott may have done well in these areas. Therefore, the people of Puerto Rico are naturally appreciative of his support.
However, demonstrating honesty and integrity while in office are important too, very important. Avoiding scandals and looking after the needs of the state’s most vulnerable citizens are critical to the office of governor. Also, the state’s to executive should understand and focus on the environment – clean water and air. In these areas and others Rick Scott has FAILED miserably.
Unfortunately, the people of Puerto Rico might not know the whole story. Rick Scott does not need to use his scandalous tenure as governor to advance to the US Senate.
Paul Kwiatkowski
October 28, 2018 at 1:20 pm
C the governor is a go-between for the mafia cartels Vatican and corrupt politicians and lobbyists on both sides not to mention the Deep State satanic pedophiles involved in human trafficking
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