A new survey on Amendment 5, which would require a supermajority in the Legislature to increase taxes, has a path to passage.
That’s according to new results from St. Pete Polls.
The survey, released Thursday, shows 47 percent in favor of Amendment 5, with 34 percent against and 18 percent undecided. If the undecideds break in the same proportion as those who have an opinion, that would leave “yes” at around 58 percent support. That’s just short of the 60 percent required for passage.
Or the undecideds could lean more toward “yes” or “no” than those who have made up their minds, pushing it over the 60-percent threshold or leaving it far short.
But with 18 percent still unsure, the amendment at least has a chance of getting through.
Among those who have already voted, 50 percent say they voted “Yes” and 37 percent said “No,” with 13 percent undecided.
The Oct. 30-31 survey consisted of 2,470 likely voters; the margin of error is 2 percent.
Amendment 5 would require two-thirds of both legislative chambers to approve any increase in taxes or fees. That would make it far more difficult to pass such measures at the state level, but would not apply to taxes and fees collected at the city or county level.
While no one likes paying more in taxes, critics say the measure may make it more difficult to respond to an economic crisis.
The amendment showed strong splits by party and race. In total, 55 percent of Republicans supported the measure, while just 38 percent of Democrats said the same.
Those of Asian or Pacific Islander descent were most likely to support Amendment 5, with 53 percent backing it. That was followed by white non-Hispanics with 51 percent, Hispanics at 45 percent, and black non-Hispanics at 35 percent.