On Tuesday, the Jacksonville City Council imposed a six-month moratorium on adult arcades.
The legislation cleared committees without opposition and landed on the consent agenda, with a majority of the 19-person legislative body listed as sponsors even before Tuesday’s meeting.
Ordinance 2018-680 bans any new permitting for so-called internet cafes, a bane to the existence of Jacksonville lawmakers.
These establishments are predominately located in areas of town that have socioeconomic challenges already, and Council members have sought to put the brakes on what has become a flourishing industry, albeit one of dubious moral value.
Arcades often are near churches, schools, daycares and homes, and the noise, traffic, and other associated activities concern people outside the industry.
Jacksonville’s municipal code, which often seems fragmentary, lacks “performance standards or criteria pertaining to adult arcades,” offering another potential justification for the moratorium.
Per the Jacksonville Daily Record, 90 certificates of use have been issued, even as many more businesses operate without them.
November 13, 2018 at 12:33 pm
Another example of guvmint overreach? Are they gonna get rid of dog tracks next? If you do this you’ll see rampant crime on the mean streets of the Westside as wizened, addled pensioners express their displeasure. Idle hands & all that. For God’s sake won’t somebody think of the children! Why is it any of our business if retirees want to spend a few quarters of their social security checks trying to line up cherries?
November 21, 2018 at 11:19 pm
Like, do you even vote? Or wat h the nees? Dog tracks will be shut down completely by 2020…
November 13, 2018 at 11:05 pm
That might be the greatest post Ive ever read. Starting strong with spelling government as guvmint. Then not knowing dog racing was just banned.
Followed by the suggestion that Westside isn’t already rampant with crime.
And then channeling Maude Flanders’ ghost with a good ole “think of the children!”
Good work.
Frankie M.
November 13, 2018 at 11:18 pm
Thx. I is what I is. Incidentally I voted against the looming dog track ban because it gives my 70 year old father’s life purpose as sad as that sounds. It’s a social thang as DBT would croon but as long as the ban is in the name of animal welfare & not overregulation it’s all good.
November 15, 2018 at 8:10 am
Fail, Frankie. Just throw the whole comment away and concentrait on that last line. I enjoy the arcades… Those that don’t, don’t go and I really don’t see what the big fuss is about. Please, spare me the laws and technicalities of the situation and tell me,If we can have poker rooms, than why not arcades?
November 15, 2018 at 10:16 pm
That’s great for the arcade owners. Now there buisnes is worth over one million dollars. What you will see is no new arcades and the selling price just went up drastically. Now smart business men will buy out the little guys and make the arcades casino size making more opportunity for people to gamble because Jacksonvill is now a safe haven for gaming. It will be little Vegas in Florida. Good move city officials you just made it worse for yourself. Better you keep your nose out of local business. I wonder what kind of research you did. Lol arcades you are the winners so let’s say cash out or should I say cash in. Good luck arcades your smarter than the city fathers. Lol
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