POLITICO Florida Playbook snuck in a swipe at Senate President Bill Galvano the other day, and at the Senator from the 7th District, St. Augustine Republican Travis Hutson.
An item detailed leadership moves Galvano recently announced.
“Anitere Flores went from chairing two important committees to the desert, Tom Lee went from the desert back into the game, and Galvano put his thumb on the scale of an ongoing state Senate presidency fight,” it said.
“He gave the state Senate majority leader post to Kathleen Passidomo. Her opponent, Travis Hutson, didn’t get exiled, but also isn’t one important thing: majority leader.”
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but the implication here — that Hutson somehow got exiled or disfavored — is wrong.
Look, it’s great to be majority leader and — as Wilton Simpson has demonstrated — that’s one way to prepare for the senate presidency.
But the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development, or “TED Approps,” which Hutson now has, is a plum chair.
Just ask Simpson.
Or Don Gaetz.
Or Andy Gardiner.
Rather than put his thumb on the scale, Galvano seemed to avoid playing favorites — even though he probably would like to see the presidency eventually go to his neighbor in the southwest part of the state.
Or not. A lot can happen in two years. We’ll see.