Miami-Dade Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava has confirmed that she’ll be seeking a promotion in 2020: She announced a bid for Miami-Dade County Mayor on Tuesday morning.
“We have delivered real results in County Hall and in District 8,” Levine Cava told supporters outside the Miami-Dade County Elections Department in Doral. “But our work is not done. We need to finish the job.”
Levine Cava had been rumored to run for the Mayor’s gig in 2020. She’s served as a liberal voice on the Commission since she was elected in 2014, and secured a second term representing District 8 in the last election cycle.
The Commissioner hit on several policy points in her speech Tuesday, calling for expanded transportation options and increased outreach to small business, among other issues. She also recalled her work while on the Commission.
“Together we have tackled problems big and small from climate change to potholes,” Levine Cava said. “I care about every single person in this great county.
“I care about every inch of this beautiful place. And I will not rest until everyone feels included, until everyone feels represented by their government.”
Several high-profile lawmakers with ties to South Florida have been rumored to join the race including fellow Commissioner Xavier Suarez, former Mayor Alex Penelas, and former U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo.
Former Commissioner Juan Zapata has already filed paperwork to run. Now, Zapata is being joined by his former colleague.
“I will never stop fighting for equality and opportunity regardless of who you are, where you come from, who you love or how you identify,” Levine Cava said. “Let’s make history.”