State Rep. Blaise Ingoglia charges in a new internet video that Democrats oppose everything from a southern border wall to immigration reform because they want immigrants’ children to grow up angry at Republicans and therefore voting Democratic.
Ingoglia, past chair of the Republican Party of Florida, makes his charges in the newest installment of his rebooted political internet video series, “GovernmentGoneWild!” The Spring Hill Republican had produced conservative politics videos in that series for years before suspending it around 2012 while he was RPOF vice chair. The videos sometimes attracted audiences of hundreds of thousands. At least one video in the original series topped 5 million views.
The newest installment, entitled, “The Illegal Immigration Video Democrats DON’T Want You To See,” sets its premise by noting that many undocumented immigrants bear children in the United States, who are American citizens. He contends that as the children reach the age of 18, they are registering as Democrats, turning border states blue, with the big next prize, Texas, sliding from solid red to purple in recent years.
Dating the flow of undocumented immigrants back to the administration of President Ronald Reagan, Ingoglia said there now are millions of children who’ve reached voting age, and Democrats are capitalizing on them and keeping it going by not truly wanting to solve immigration problems.
“Democrats have figured out, with every passing year more and more children of illegal immigrants will cast legal votes against anyone who makes a policy issue of their relatives. They’ve also figured out that every illegal that crosses our border today creates two to three future voters tomorrow. It’s a political calculation, not a humanitarian one,” Ingoglia declares in the video. “And, it’s starting to work.”
The Florida Democratic Party declined to address the new video or Ingoglia’s charges on Tuesday.
In the piece, Ingoglia warns against the prospect of eventually flipping such states as Texas [he does not mention Florida] and eventually giving Democrats so many safe states in the presidential election electoral college that they would have huge, early advantages in winning the White House in every election. He calls that “the scary stuff” and “the real reason why Democrats want open borders.”
“This usually reliable red state has been trending blue for decades, undoubtedly with the help from a porous border,” he says of Texas. “Democrats know if they flip this state by refusing to secure our bolder, they can put her 38 votes in the solid blue column forever.”
Ingoglia contends the video is not about Hispanic voters, who make up the big proportion of undocumented immigrants whose children are, in his assessment, changing the political landscape of several states and the country as a whole. He said it’s about Democrats exploiting, rather than addressing, immigration problems. He theorizes that Democrats do not want immigration reform, regardless of what they say in policy positions.
“Look, we know the first rule for politicians is getting re-elected. That’s unfortunate. But now we have this situation where Democrats are actually benefitting from the illegal immigrants crossing the border,” he said in an interview. ‘Whether they want to admit it or not, they are benefitting from it. Whether they sit there and say it’s unintended, it doesn’t matter, because this is actually the outcome. I believe personally that they are doing this on purpose because they have stumbled onto a way to turn illegal immigrants into legal votes.”
Still, the video draws a portrait in which the scary stuff is about the growth, essentially, of Hispanic population in states that are trending from red to purple to blue to bluer.
The video ends with a projection that could be particularly terrifying for some conservatives.
“Democrats are building a wall, an invisible wall, around the votes they need to win every election. And if that happens, say hello to socialism, the Green New Deal, a 70 percent tax rate, a bankrupt nation, and President [Alexandria] Ocasio–Cortez,” he said.
May 28, 2019 at 4:08 pm
The guy’s an idiot. But, then again, it seems most of today’s Republicans are.
And, as usual, he’s got it bassackward: it’s the Republicans that are “against everything” … including every program the majority of Americans praise (like Social Secirity, Medicare, and Medicaid) … and including voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act some 70 or more times!
May 29, 2019 at 1:40 pm
What? Do you even know anything other than FAKE NEWS? Republicans are the adults in the room because democrats are children and think the government is Santa! The Democrat party is on a downward spiral and they are on a hunt to find new voters since they kicked the American blue collar worker to the curb by moving manufacturing to other countries. This is clearly obvious by the last presidential election in 2016! A large % of Trump voters were prior Democrats! The Democrats have turned to illegals as their new voter recruitment campaign, this is exactly why they will not lift a finger to stop the millions flooding into America!
Your education is now complete!
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