FreedomWorks has thrown its support behind a term limits amendment championed by U.S. Rep. Francis Rooney.
The Naples Republican, now serving his second term in the House, wants all House candidates restricted to three terms.
“I am thankful to @FreedomWorks for their support of H.J. Res 20 that I introduced with @SenTedCruz,” Rooney tweeted.
“We are long overdue for limiting the number of terms for members of Congress.”
FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon said Americans’ general disillusionment with Congress shows the need to limit time in Washington.
“When the American people voted to ‘drain the swamp,’ they sent a clear message to all elected officials that the citizens want a change in Washington,” he wrote in an essay on FreedomWorks’ website.
“This legislation will ensure that it remains drained. Having the same people in office year after year creates a cycle that is hard to break and that needs to be refreshed. Term limits would not only refresh the cycle, but they would also address a dysfunction in the structure of our federal government.”
Rooney in January introduced a constitutional amendment in the U.S. House.
Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, introduced identical language in the Senate. That bill is co-sponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida’s senior Senator.
Rooney last year also signed a term limits pledge. The bulk of political leadership in Southwest Florida anticipates Rooney will run for one more term and then retire, holding to the pledge.
The Congressman said the public broadly supports limiting the number of terms House members can serve.
“The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin,” he said.
“I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career.
“Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”
Mr. Matthew Lusk
June 5, 2019 at 5:20 pm
I support only two terms.
Maryann Altobelli
June 9, 2019 at 4:33 pm
We must have term limits on Congress. No more career politicians!!
Carolyn Roach
June 10, 2019 at 11:19 am
Yes on term limits, but also limits on how long they get a salary.
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