As a St. Pete Polls survey underscored Monday, the Democratic presidential field right now is former Vice President Joe Biden and everyone else.
Biden, with 47 percent support in that poll, is well out in front of the field. In Florida, and to a somewhat lesser extent elsewhere, the conversation may soon become one of whether an “Anybody But Biden” candidate can emerge.
If that’s the case, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (polling at 12 percent in Florida, good for second place) has a suggestion.
Those supporting other candidates should support her instead.
Buoyed by a Move On straw poll that shows her as the choice for 38 percent of the left-leaning activist group, SwitchToWarren.com seeks the testimony of those who backed other candidates before seeing the light.
Some Floridians have already offered testimony.
“I favored Biden because I figured he was the best to beat [Donald] Trump with his appeal to independents and the working class. But Warren also has the working class appeal with her great life story, and she would go head-to-head against Trump with tenacity and superior arguments that would reveal to many uninformed people just what an awful, and abysmally incompetent, person he is,” asserted a man from Boynton Beach.
A woman from Tampa also moved from Biden to Warren.
“Her plans for the future based on where the country is now” sealed the deal for this voter.
Warren will get to drive more potential voters to switch Wednesday evening, when she is the marquee name the first night of Democratic Presidential debates in Miami.