Over the weekend, it was “Sunday Bloody Sunday” on Twitter, highlighted by the threat of a lawsuit against the 2018 Democratic candidate for Florida Governor.
That threat came from one of his leading donors.
In recent months, attorney John Morgan has been increasingly outspoken over how Andrew Gillum‘s campaign handled political donations.
Specifically, not spending roughly $3.5 million it had in reserve at the end of the campaign, with a very narrow win by Republican Ron DeSantis.
Gillum’s Forward Florida organization is moving money … to a so-called “slush fund” Morgan referred to in his weekend tweetstorm.
The committee raised under $4,000, while almost $600,000 went out the door.
Of the $595,764 spent, $500,000 of that went to Forward Florida Action,
Expect more focus on FFA going ahead — and (given its nonprofit structure) less transparency into where the money actually goes.
In a newsletter to supporters, Gillum asserted:
“Our most important work is registering new voters, and Andrew has started a sister organization, Forward Florida Action, to handle this work. As a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, Forward Florida Action is allowed to focus on only registering progressive voters. Starting this month, we’re going to shift our fundraising focus from Forward Florida to Forward Florida Action.
“With this shift, we’re building the infrastructure to build the progressive future that Florida deserves.”
However, “Forward Florida Action” is not subject to disclosure rules, meaning that the money raised with a certain level of transparency can be spent, with no accountability to donors.
Gillum’s Forward Florida committee, which ended the 2018 gubernatorial campaign with over $3.5 million on hand, is still flush: Despite the spending, the committee still has over $3.3 million on hand.
Regarding Forward Florida Action, though, how much cash is on hand is anyone’s guess.
Morgan is skeptical.
The exchanges between Morgan and Gillum devolved into race-baiting language.
In 2018, Morgan supported, albeit in a low-key way, former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine.
What’s clear: If Morgan gets involved in the 2022 Democratic primary (a longer shot, given “Thank God for Ron DeSantis” tweets, than one might have thought last year), and Gillum is involved, expect the kind of sniping that animated a sleepy summer weekend (during an off-year) to flower into what will become another bruising election cycle.
July 15, 2019 at 9:18 am
I just find all of this weird. I supported both of them and have even referred people to his law firm. As many white candidates do the same thing and he never called them out..hes salty gillum lost as am I. Could he have spent more $$, maybe yes but the outcome is the outcome and gillum came closer than any white Democrat ever has. Gillium will get elected next time
Forward Florida Action
July 15, 2019 at 9:20 am
What is a slush fund.
Seber Newsome III
July 15, 2019 at 9:40 am
At least John Morgan has seen the light, I wish the rest of those who voted for Gillum would too.
July 15, 2019 at 9:53 am
John Morgan is a fraud himself. Taking 40% from clients and a host of problems with his law firm. Why donate to someone if you felt they couldn’t win? Desantis had millions left over as well, I dont see him being called out. This circular firing squad isnt good for liberals. Fact is, Gillium was the best chance we had. He came over than any other candidate did
Judy Spangler
July 15, 2019 at 11:22 am
Frankie M.
July 15, 2019 at 9:58 am
Don’t hate the playa Morgan & Morgan. Spend $$ changing the rules like you did with that medical weed deal. Look how that turned out. If Gillum was in the governor chair right now you’d just be complaining about something he didn’t vote for even though you paid him off…legally of course under the guise of campaign contributions. John Morgan just comes across sounding butthurt.
July 15, 2019 at 11:06 am
an instance of something collapsing violently inward
Cogent Observer
July 15, 2019 at 1:03 pm
This is both comical and predictable. A make-believe lawyer vs. a make-believe “leader.” Each shares grossly inflated views of themselves, their abilities, and seek only to line their pockets with money and political power.
Andy–get a real job and learn what it is to earn a living. Get off of your high horse–you are not so bright, and your race doesn’t give you a “pass” on that.
John–lose some weight, stop trawling for meaningless “wrongs” in people’s lives and trying to make money from them. Stop aligning yourself with idiots like Gillum. People/prospective clients judge you on the company that you keep, and with whom you invest money, as you did with Gillum. It reflects on the due diligence that you/your firm does, doesn’t it? Not so flattering, is it?
William R Leflet
July 16, 2019 at 2:37 pm
Typical Democrat
Tim Matthews
July 17, 2019 at 10:48 am
Gillum uses the race card, because he doesn’t have anything else to say. Using the race card shows he is ignorant and is trying to hide what he is really doing. Get his sorry ass John. I don’t give a dam what color this crook is.
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