Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried took to Twitter Wednesday to slam U.S. Sen. Rick Scott for saying Democrats were anti-Semitic.
“Florida’s junior U.S. Senator @SenRickScott calling @TheDemocrats Party anti-Semitic is insulting, false, & dangerous,” tweeted Fried, a Democrat. “He should apologize and stop using my community to sow division. Sincerely, the first statewide elected Jewish female in Florida history & proud @FlaDems.”
Fried has staunchly demonstrated a commitment to Israel and the Jewish people, including as the leading Democrat on Florida’s trade mission earlier this year.
Her response comes after Scott claimed Democrats were anti-Semitic, rather than comment on a recent fusillade of Tweets from the President that all but his staunchest defenders decry as racist.
Scott said Trump’s approach was “clearly not the way I would do it, but let’s remember the position that these Democrats have taken. They’ve become the anti-Semitic party now, and so that’s wrong.”
Trump rocked the Sunday morning news cycle with a tweet aimed at the four most outspoken liberal members of the Democratic caucus known as “The Squad.”
The targets of the missive were Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.
In a series of tweets, President Donald Trump urged the four to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.”
Omar, a naturalized citizen from Somalia, is the only foreign-born member of the four. Ocasio-Cortez has Puerto Rican ancestry, while Pressley, an African American, was born in Chicago.
Cogent Observer
July 17, 2019 at 2:36 pm
“My community?” Who is being divisive now? Get off of your high-horse Nikki, stop pandering, and do some productive work. All taxpayers pay for your bloated salary and benefits. If you wish to have only “your community” pay for them contribute, fine. Otherwise, you are there to do all of our biddings.
July 17, 2019 at 3:27 pm
Yes, her community. She is Jewish. Next time tell Rick Scott to quit pandering to the hatred to the Trumpsters and using the lies that Teump tells every single day.
July 17, 2019 at 2:40 pm
Like Trump, Scott is just a garden-variety ***hole! A rightwingnut lemming trapped in blind partisan allegiance – or totally and completely ignorant. All any of them can do is, like Trump, ‘attack’ – the politics of personal destruction – schoolyard name-calling – and phantasmagorical fabrication! Send ’em all to Siberia!
July 17, 2019 at 4:25 pm
@NoMoRepublicans: Bad news for you. Nothing but Republicans. We will landslide 2020, it’s a guarantee now that the Democrats have ALL been exposed as American hating terrorists. Thank squad for playing into Trump’s hands!
God Bless America & God Bless Trump!
Anthony Berry
July 18, 2019 at 9:40 am
HA ha ha! What a credulous clown. Good luck with that sh!t there Gary.
July 17, 2019 at 4:21 pm
I will go one better. Democrats are terrorists! They hate everything, and want to destroy it all!
When a mass shooting occurs, who is holding a gun? A Democrat. When pedophile ring gets exposed who are it’s leadership and it’s members? Democrats! When the IRS is targeting Republican nonprofits, who empowered them to do it? Democrats! When an American politician can’t win, who pays for a fake spy report on her opponent? Democrat……. should I go on? Democrats are evil & vile!
July 18, 2019 at 9:32 am
Nikki won her seat by promising free Marijuana for all under the guise of medical but really just another tool to control the masses! So now here she is playing her victim card pretending to be this nice Jewish girl defending her party and “her people”!
The reality is is that I am one of “her people” and a lifelong Democrat born under Roosevelt who has watched the takeover of the Democratic Party by the Atheist Socialist Communists over the las 75 years and I know what she is up to!!!.
RICK SCOTT IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! Not only is the Democratic Party anti-Semitic, they are anti-Christian, anti-church and anti-God! Mark my words people, dumbing down and indoctrinating our kids then drugging them is the Marxist Commie plan to control & Nikki is a big part of it!!!!
Anthony Berry
July 18, 2019 at 9:41 am
Gary? Is this your drag name?
Anthony Berry
July 18, 2019 at 9:41 am
Gary? Is this your drag name?
July 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
Another brilliant progressive comment! Name calling from one it’s finest!
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