A new ad from the Donald Trump presidential campaign is continuing to push an as-yet-unclear scandal surrounding former Vice President Joe Biden and Ukraine.
The push to impeach Trump has ramped up in recent days after a whistleblower report alleged he was withholding military support for Ukraine and pressuring them to investigate Biden.
The Trump campaign’s new ad describes the basics of the Biden-Ukraine connection but leaves out several key details.
“Joe Biden promised Ukraine a billion dollars if they fired the prosecutor investigating his son’s company,” the ad’s narrator begins. The 30-second spot then cuts to a talk where Biden discusses his push for the Ukrainian government to fire Viktor Shokin.
“If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well son of a bitch, he got fired,” Biden recalled at the time. The ad then cuts back to the narrator.
“But when President Trump asks Ukraine to investigate corruption, the Democrats want to impeach him. And their media lap dogs fall in line. They lost the [2016] election. Now, they want to steal this one. Don’t let them.”
Shokin had investigated Burisma gas company, which hired Biden’s son Hunter as a board member in 2014.
But when Biden pushed for Shokin’s firing, that investigation had been dormant for more than a year. There’s also no evidence the investigation was targeting Hunter Biden.
Moreover, the international community was behind Shokin’s ouster, as he had a reputation for being soft on corruption.
The U.S. certainly has leverage over offering foreign aid and often attaches strings to that aid. Trump is relying on that argument for why his withholding of nearly $400 million from Ukraine was appropriate.
Trump contends his push for an investigation of the Bidens was a way to urge the country to clean up its own issues of corruption.
The Trump camp has also attempted to frame Democrats’ impeachment push as a way to “undo” the results of the 2016 election, when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.
Democrats counter that Trump was only interested in the Biden-Ukraine matter as a way to hamper Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. Biden is one of several candidates competing for the Democratic nomination.
September 27, 2019 at 5:39 pm
How is asking about corruption of a VP during the 2016 election, impeachable by a sitting POTUS. How dare he ask if there was corruption or the extortion Biden stated he performed at his CFR speech… Either you fire the prosecutor or you will not get the $2 Billion, and you have till I leave in about 6 hours. Hmmm
September 27, 2019 at 6:31 pm
Ryan Nicol, do you have evidence that there was no wrong doing on the part of Joe Biden regarding the Ukraine scandal? I don’t want to hear that there are reports that there was no wrong doing. Was an investigation done to confirm the title of your article, or are you trying to peddle a media narrative to further an agenda? I believe in innocent until proven guilty. However, Mr. Biden owes the American public an explanation concerning these allegations against him if he wants to run for the presidency. I think it’s time he faces the music instead of pretending that this scandal will go away.
Christopher M. Kennard
September 28, 2019 at 4:32 am
Because Trump has been the one engaged in treason against the people of the United States of America with the sworn communist and former KGB assassin, Putin, who seeks to destroy our nation.
Biden is part of the good ole’ billionaire-corporate-industrialists cabal of paid politicians who do their bidding . . . same ones who fund the Republican Party also fund the Democratic Party . . . part of the internal corruption clique of the USA.
Trump is the NYC equivalent of thoroughly corrupt street trash that the billionaire set in place to make U .S. citizens long for the good old days of simple, straight forward corruption . . . .
The white male has had the dominate role in political and economic affairs in the USA since the white man first came to the shores of America; killed off the original inhabitants, the North American native tribes of people across the continent; enslaved people from Africa to build their wealth, and then proceeded to polluted the entire world with their greed, stupidity and irresponsible lack of awareness.
Biden is corrupt . . . always has been since he was first elected to Congress back in the 1970’s following the Nixon scandal and impeachment proceedings of 1974 when forced to leave the White House in disgrace. Now it looks as if Biden has been exposed and will be disposed of as a result.
Trump is even more corrupt on a basic level, and now has engaged in treason with Russia.
Hmmm . . . what country does the person or “bot” hail from who wrote the above comment asking how Trump became the first sleaze bag to be impeached for both corruption and treason?
If nothing else, such folks that like Trump may be able to line up and visit him in a USA made prison, once Trump is removed from the White House to reside in his new government paid housing unit as an inmate.
September 30, 2019 at 1:51 pm
Christopher M. Kennard,
Just like the Democrats in office. No proof of anything you are crying about!
Get over it already! Trump won, get a life!
September 27, 2019 at 6:52 pm
Lies and innuendos are the lifeblood of theThe Communist Democrat party….their existence depends on It along with this writer who wouldn’t know truth if it slapped him upside the head!!! Ugh!
September 27, 2019 at 7:27 pm
Every writer at FLAPOL must declare their allegiance to Maloch upon accepting a position!
Sonja Fitch
September 28, 2019 at 5:22 pm
Poor little rich are so stupid. Trump is a traitor Trump sold his soul along time ago to be a paranoid delusional liar and prez. Grow up gopers trumpers you have been played by traitor trump and putin. Lol. Sad white men
PS Trump raped a 14 year old girl provided by Epstein. THE STINK!!!!
September 28, 2019 at 7:36 pm
Sonja Fitch, you just made a comment that Trump raped a 14 year old girl. Do you have any proof or evidence to your comment, or are you just spewing and peddling your petty hateful comments? The one who needs growing up is evidently YOU and the rest of the hateful people who can’t get over the election of Donald Trump and how he was able to defeat a corrupt career politician who along with the Democratic party is THE STINK!!!!
September 30, 2019 at 1:53 pm
Trump is the most transparent and honest president to take office in the last 35 years!
Karen Peltier
October 7, 2019 at 9:40 pm
Wow! Does anyone actually believe this despot, our current POTUS any more? At what point are the people around who still support him just plain dumb vs. having made some sort of honest mistake by voting for a raving, egotistical, maniacal baby-man in some sort of desperate attempt for change? Are people really that out-of-it to think that the Democrats and world media are all just going after Trump out of spite? Really!? Past presidents got way more sand kicked up their butts over nada than Trump ever did, but these past presidents were able to handle it with grace and class. Trump, on the other hand, has neither. All he has is what is basically a 13 year-old grade school bully’s trick–to try to flame any of his crew who still seem to blindly think he is the bees-knees into foaming at the mouth and coming to his aid. Rather cowardly, I think.
And, I just have to say this, any adult who still thinks Trump is the “greatest,” can get in line to make a cameo in the next remake of Idiocracy. Seems like that movie is going to wind up being a documentary vs. fiction. This man isn’t great. Get over it. Time for a new bumper sticker: Make America Sane Again.
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