With one of the country’s highest gubernatorial approval ratings, and a broad swath of accomplishments during his first year in office, the sky’s the limit for Gov. Ron DeSantis.
The governor will keep his momentum going during his second year, with legislative priorities geared at making our state stronger, cleaner and more prosperous.
On one vital issue, however, he’s facing opposition from an unexpected source: weak-kneed Republicans more focused on special interests than Florida workers.
In November, DeSantis announced he would be pursuing mandatory statewide E-Verify. With this widely-used program employers can check whether a person they’re about to hire is in the country legally.
E-Verify is used in all 50 states, and is mandatory (for at least some employers) in 20. In Florida, it has been required for all new agency employees since 2011, following an executive order by then-Gov. Rick Scott.
Everywhere it has been used, it has been a success. Even the left-leaning Washington Post admitted that “in Arizona, which pioneered the mandatory checks in 2008, the number of unauthorized workers dropped 33% below what was projected without the requirement.” The same article pointed to another benefit from E-Verify: increased wages for low-skilled workers born in the United States.
The 2016 presidential election was largely a referendum on America’s immigration policies. Even conservatives who wanted nothing to do with then-candidate Donald Trump were grudgingly forced to admit he was largely right about immigration.
During the 2018 gubernatorial primary, Florida Republicans could have chosen anti-E-Verify candidate Adam Putnam. We resoundingly chose DeSantis instead.
It’s time for Florida to make a change, too. Requiring the statewide use of E-Verify will curb illegal immigration while creating jobs and raising wages for Floridians. Most importantly, it will make the agriculture sector of Florida’s economy less of a magnet for those entering the country illegally.
Florida Senate President Bill Galvano, sniffing with derision at DeSantis’ E-Verify proposal, said, “It is something that the Florida Senate — or at least this administration — does not endorse.” His designated successor, agribusinessman Sen. Wilton Simpson, has been similarly opposed.
Galvano has argued E-Verify will be costly and time-consuming for businesses. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only is E-Verify free, it processes applications quickly and efficiently. It is a simple step employers can (and should) take to ensure they are hiring legal employees.
In the first three quarters of 2019, nearly 900,000 businesses nationwide processed over 40 million cases through the program. It takes less than a minute to complete, and ensures a legal workforce.
Furthermore, it’s supported by a huge majority of the American population. Another article from the Post stated that “79% (of the American public) supports requiring employers to verify that all new hires are living in the United States legally.”
In these days of inflamed — and inflammatory — political debate, any issue with 79% public support is worth serious consideration.
Republicans like Galvano and Simpon should not thumb their noses at Florida voters, choosing instead to pander to big business — and big donors.
Florida’s residents deserve the benefits of E-Verify: higher wages, increased job security and a safe, legal workforce. DeSantis is working hard to enhance the well-being and prosperity of our state and its citizens. Why aren’t Galvano and Simpson?
Congressman Matt Gaetz represents Florida’s First Congressional District in the House of Representatives, and serves on the House Armed Services and Judiciary committees. He lives in Fort Walton Beach.
January 20, 2020 at 7:12 am
Matt Gaetz is a disgrace to Florida Representation and to Congress. It may be time for the 1st to elect someone with an urge to work on both sides of the isle.
January 20, 2020 at 1:39 pm
Chuck… What are you saying… you think there is a DEMOCRAT anywhere that is trying to work with TRUMP? Screw working with DemoRats! It’s time the RepubliCAN party ran you bastards out of town, and out of America!
January 20, 2020 at 1:47 pm
I think my claim is obvious. Working with Trump is a mistake you end up in jail or voted out. Gaetz is next.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 4:15 pm
Chuck ~
Re: Beneothons
Can anyone tell Chuck gets political reality from TV? LMAO
Jim Palminteri
January 20, 2020 at 7:03 pm
How is your 401 K doing under Trump?
January 20, 2020 at 8:02 pm
I trade Options. 401k’s are a joke with this idiot. Oh wait Obama stock market rose 72 straight months. Oops.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 8:47 pm
Jim ~
Chuck understands options has he does QE. If Chuckie is a 4 trader as i once was he’s mad % on margin is so high. 8 years + of QE will fo that to Bonds.lol
George Fernandez
January 20, 2020 at 7:29 pm
Chuck you are an idiot, E-verify is a good thing for workers in Florida and it should’ve mandatory in all states
January 20, 2020 at 8:03 pm
I am sure it is. But wait 79% like that is why it should be done. 83% want stricter gun laws, what about them?
January 20, 2020 at 6:37 pm
You are a moron ! Remove your head from your azz
January 20, 2020 at 8:04 pm
I am happy to be one coming from you.
January 21, 2020 at 10:13 am
Matt Gaetz is spot on!! If you are not a citizen you should not be allowed to work or reap any benefits. My grandparents came here legally and learned english. No more illegals!!!!
Thomas Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 7:44 am
E-Verify is conscription. It forces business owners to act as unpaid police informants.
And we saw in Alabama and Georgia what anti-immigrant idiocy does to agriculture. It leaves crops rotting in the fields, profiting no one except grifters and political opportunists like Gaetz and DeSantis.
It’s not necessary to “verify” that workers are living in the United States “legally.” Since Article I, Section 9 and Amendment 10 clearly and unambiguously forbid the federal government to regulate immigration, and since Marbury v. Madison established that laws repugnant to the Constitution are void, there’s no such thing as living in the United States illegally.
January 20, 2020 at 1:43 pm
If demoRATS had upheld the laws on immigration we would not be in this sad situation. We now have the law and order republiCANS in control, and we must return to abiding by our laws. Will it hurt? Yes… but it will not last forever. Once return to obeying our laws perhaps we should not let the laws laps again so we will not have to go through this again!
George Fernandez
January 20, 2020 at 7:40 pm
Chuck you are an idiot, E-verify is a good thing for workers in Florida and it should’ve mandatory in all states
Napoleon Salvail
January 21, 2020 at 7:41 am
Gary, you are exactly correct, it is a simple matter that because of the inactivity of both parties we are faced with the situation we have today. It is a simple question of controlling our borders. This speaks greatly of the conspiracy behind our elected politicians to enable the degradation and destruction of our society. All you have to do is look at what has happened, open your eyes Chuck.
January 21, 2020 at 11:05 am
Many will not note your use of parenthesis and italicizing around “illegal”.
I did.
And you are correct, there are no “illegal” persons.
They are unlawful.
A big difference between legal and lawful.
E verify is indeed an Orwellian conscription.
January 20, 2020 at 7:50 am
Now is the time to remove Matt Gaetz
Creating a sex game for sleeping with staff, lobbyists, etc.?
January 20, 2020 at 1:47 pm
Typical FAKENEWS used by demoRATS to get their way. Can’t speak truth to power, so they resort to fabrication lead by the liberal FAKENEWS media!
January 20, 2020 at 8:07 pm
Everything is fake news, right?
The term was invented by Trump. 30 people indicted, jailed and they are still piling up. All fake news.
Wake up.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 7:53 am
Dear Citizens ~
Re: E-Verify
Take a good long look at Chuck! Chuck probably uses illegal immigrant labor everyday fir his 1099 subcontracting business. Chuck makes a great living 1099 of others that have Federal/State contracts. Indeed the problem here is these foul illegal aliebs are fleecing U.S. Medical, Judiciary, HHS Services, State Welfare programs that make fees more expensive for other businesses.
Chuck is a leaching of all of us! Hon. President Donald John Trump knows the scams and is trying to change it!
Furthermore E-Verify is in accordance with Federal Law RICO Statute because hiring illegal aliens for commercial purposes violates Rico Statute. 1 Count 30 years in prison! Sanctuary cities throughout United States protecting illegal aliens is SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY to overthrow the Social Contract!
Moreover Illegal Immigration violates 1965 Immigration Act, 1996 Immigration Act, and our tyrannical Judiciary has ignored Congress!
The President of the United States can suspend all Immigration at anytime for any reason against any particular group! That’s a fact! The President would issue this Executive Order and the USDOJ informs Homeland Security that orders ICE and State Department of the Executive Order!
January 20, 2020 at 8:27 am
Chuck doesn’t use immigrants though they contribute to $5 Trillion annually to our GDP. Including the farmers in the 1st district. Matt Gaetz is an immature POS that doesn’t deserve the chair he occupies. This has nothing to do with Trump, who is the biggest criminal ever to occupy the WH.
Do you home work there Einstein. This economy needs the Immigrants legal and illegal.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 9:52 am
Immigrants don’t contribute 5 Trillion to GDP! LMAO! Who forged your high school diploma?
Please don’t spout GAO! They haven’t been right on their calculations for decades.
January 20, 2020 at 1:46 pm
They do numbbuts…..Ask the farmers all over the country including Florida. Go to finance school.
January 20, 2020 at 1:51 pm
We never illegals Chuck you smuck! That’s like saying we need the Clinton’s nobody needs criminals for anything! If the farmers can’t pay a decent wage to get citizens to get the job done, perhaps we don’t deserve their produce! Something tells me that supply and demand will take care of harvesting their produce! You are simply a scumbag!
January 20, 2020 at 8:08 pm
Gary I would love for you to say that to my face. You pussy. We never Illegal. Go back to school.
January 20, 2020 at 8:05 pm
Trump is a criminal that has illegals serving his fat ass at Maralago. You people are idiots. Fat boy is going down.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 8:05 am
Dear Citizen ~
Re: Thomas Knapp
Mulberry v Madison has nothing to do with Illegal Immigrant invasion and Sedition by lawless States for profit.
I believe the case this dullard refers is Wick Wo v Hopkins 1886. Indeed but this case was Unconstitutional because subjects of other nations can get due process in military courts not civil courts aka Immigration judges.
Illegal immigration is an ancient war tactic dating back to Kings, Caesar, State, used to overthrow domiciled populations. What you are reading, written by dullards and thieves understanding the cookie jar is ending!
Thomas Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 8:19 am
I guess your situation could be worse — at least your functional, historical, legal and constitutional illiteracy doesn’t seem to interfere with your ability to find the “Caps Lock” key.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 9:54 am
Knapp ~
Re: Caps
Psyops. And you’re mad i called your bullshit.
Thomas Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 10:03 am
Not sure why you think I’m “mad” about anything.
I’ve never heard of “Mulberry v. Madison.” I referred to, and meant to refer to, Marbury v. Madison.
The US Constitution did not empower Congress to regulate immigration, and in fact forbade it to do so for 20 years (Article I, Section 9). After that, the creation of such a power would have required a constitutional amendment (per Amendment 10), and no such amendment has ever been proposed by 2/3 of both houses of Congress and ratified by 3/4 of the states. QED, there is no federal power to regulate immigration.
Which is how things were understood until the late 19th century, when an activist progressive Supreme Court pulled such a power out of its posterior in Chy Lung v. Freeman (1875). Even then, Congress didn’t trust the ruling and premised the first major immigration regulation (the Chinese Exclusion Act) on a treaty instead.
It wasn’t until the 1890s that the feds took over immigrant “processing” from the Port Authority of New York and opened Ellis Island, after which you still didn’t interact with the feds unless you came into the US through New York or San Francisco. It wasn’t until 1947 that you even had to have a passport to enter the United States, but that wasn’t enforced at the Canadian or Mexican borders until this century.
In 1980, Ronald Reagan ran for president on “open borders,” in those words. It’s only in the last 20 years or so that Republicans started trying to out-Democrat the Democrats on being immigration authoritarians and turning America into East Germany. And it wasn’t until 2016 that the GOP finally accomplished that by giving the Republican presidential nomination to a standard-issue northeastern progressive Democrat — Hillary Clinton with worse hair but not quite so wild eyes.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 10:57 am
Knapp ~
Re: Judicial Tyranny
Mulberry, Mulbury, who gives a rats azz! The Supreme Court overstepped it’s authority on Executive Branch! Jefferson was right! Mulbury’s appointment was nullvoid because such appointments weren’t confirmed in reasonable computation of time.
There’s 3 EQUAL BRANCHES of Government and the courts are the weakest! Always trying to infringe on Executive as we see today.
As far as your interpretation of Immigration one must question your history! Extremely limited in rendering your conclusions!
I guess the “Treaty of Ghent” and Quo amte bellum doesn’t ring a bell? You’re leaving out so much legislation. The 2nd half of your statements are correct minus 1917 Espionage Act, 1939 Smith Act, 1952 MCCarran Act, and we disagree. It is unlawful “egregious sophism” permitting “Imminent lawless actions” promulgated by an out of control federal judiciary that started with Malbury v Madison!
Are you going to sit here and tell the readers Yates v U.S. 1957, Alvertson v Subversive Authorities Control Board 1965, Afroyin v Rusk 1967 are Constitutional? Gibing Aid and Confort to enemies of the United States during height of the cold war?
No! No! No! Sedition whether verbal or physical to overthrow the social contract is illegal! Sedition against “creatures of statute” who subvert or coerce the soccal contract is Constitutional!
Anerica is ending the Menshevik/Bolshevik/Fabian Communist reign!
Thomas Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 11:03 am
I don’t have to sit here and tell readers anything — they can read your bilge and figure out that you’re cuckoo for Coco Puffs without my help.
I tried to help, but you’re obviously not interested in re-establishing a grip on reality, if you ever had one in the first place. So have a nice life.
January 20, 2020 at 1:53 pm
Thomas is triggered! Typical demoRAT!
Thomas Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 1:55 pm
Nice try, but I’m not a Democrat. I’m what Republicans used to pretend to be before they started pretending to be the Communist Party — a Libertarian.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 10:25 am
Knapp ~
Re: Psuedo Interpretation of law
You’re not Desmond Tutu!
You’re David Ben-Gurion of Mapai party. The unfinished business of Hon. Joseph McCarthy is coming back! All you Communist piglets better run.
Thomas Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 10:34 am
You might want to consult your physician about a thorazine dosage adjustment.
As for running, I find that makes it difficult to aim properly when I see evil-doers coming. Getting a good sight picture and controlling one’s breathing before beginning the trigger squeeze are important.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 11:07 am
Knapp –
Re: Syntopicon
“Evil-doers? Now you’re quoting a 20 year alcohol….lol…you don’t fool this goyim, ya trotskyite. You can take Karl Marx, Jay Lovestone, Bella Moskowitz, Felix Frankfurter, Harry Haywood, Cyril Briggs, Earl Browder, Frank Marshall Davis, John Brennan, Van Jones, Barack Hussein Obama, and shove you’re Comrades up your azz!
Thomas Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 11:12 am
You’re the one channeling Marx (“Owing to the constantly increasing concentration of leaseholds, Ireland constantly sends her own surplus to the English labor market, and thus forces down wages and lowers the material and moral position of the English working class”) — on immigration, dimbulb.
Control of immigration is a prime tenet of authoritarian Communist regimes.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 12:36 pm
Re: Great Potato Famine And Modern Day Illegal Immigration…lol
You do realize anthopomophic personalities are blithely appealing, right? Who taught you such indepth ronsensical redirection? Marcus Wolf?
Heretofore you should reread the Federalist Papers 2-5 regarding “dangers of foreign influence.” Papers 6-9 “hostilities between states” because of lawlessness and insurrections. 78-84 “Judicial tyranny. ”
Furthermore my research into your Communist penetration into American Psychology Institute is interesting.
1. Wilhelm Wandtz, 2. G. Stanley Hall, 3. Charles Judd, James Earl Russell to name a few. No wonder American children are azzbackwards and upside down.
In essence you’re far from a freedom fighter. Just another Communist Subversive.
Jeff King
January 20, 2020 at 8:26 am
What a dumpster fire.
January 20, 2020 at 1:54 pm
Yes! DemoRATS are!
paulette kennamer
January 20, 2020 at 6:27 pm
I want e-verify to help employers do the right thing. This senator gives it right back to the nasty dems who deserve to be replaced as they do NOT represent me, or many I know, in any way.
Michael Emmons
January 20, 2020 at 6:36 pm
Requiring the statewide use of E-Verify will curb illegal immigration while creating jobs and raising wages for Floridians. Most importantly, it will make the agriculture sector of Florida’s economy less of a magnet for those entering the country illegally.
Thomas Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 6:55 pm
It will decimate (at least) Florida agriculture, and drive up unemployment in all the other sectors that rely at least partially on farmers’ business.
And the same people who piss and moan about the furriners but wouldn’t deign to pick melons or hoe rows of beans for a living themselver will raise holy hell about the higher food prices they pay, and blame everyone but themselves and the politicians who are appeasing them for those prices.
John Kociuba
January 20, 2020 at 7:23 pm
Knapp ~
Re: Farmers needing illegal immigrant labor
Besides violating RICO Statute and 12 other felonies. Haven’t you ever heard of Okie from Muskogee? Share cropping? Americans know how to farm! Problem is BIG GOVERNMENT won’t allow small farm expansion so you’re stuck with plastic food at a grocery store.
Thomas L. Knapp
January 20, 2020 at 7:51 pm
My grandfather was a share cropper. He was so poor that in the 1920s/30s, he was a white man working for a former slave on shares. My mother was born in the log cabin that that former slave had built then moved out of and let my grandparents live in.
They weren’t Okies — they were from Missouri. But they did go to California at the beginning of the Depression. Didn’t like it, came back, scraped together the money to buy a foreclosed farm with no well (my mom and her sisters carried water up a long hill from a creek until they could afford to have a well dug). And I grew up on a subsistence farm until my dad got a decent job offer in town (I continued to work on farms through high school, though).
Yes, Americans know how to farm. For example, they know that when it’s time to hire labor to pick the crops in a timely manner, Mexicans will come running for the work and Americans won’t get off their fat behinds.
I moved to Florida from Missouri, so here’s a question for you: Have you ever smelled a poultry plant?
Once when I was looking for a job, I applied at one. And then I went home and prayed — literally — that some place, ANY place would call me before they did. Fortunately, I got another job offer the next day. It was $2 less an hour, but it was worth it never to have to go in that place again. They were only able to get two kinds of people to work there: Immigrants and jail prisoners. The jail prisoners didn’t have to work IN the plant — they worked outside it, unloading live turkeys, hanging them from a cable, slitting their throats, and turning a crank that moved the turkeys into the plant and more empty line out.
I’ve worked some nasty jobs. I’ve repaired leaky septic tanks. I’ve burned half-drums full of feces and urine with diesel stirred in (when I was in the Marine Corps, they still did it that way overseas in the sandbox, just like in the Vietnam movies). I’ve never been too proud to take a job just because it was hard and dirty. If I was literally praying to not have to work in that poultry plant, most Americans wouldn’t even consider it. They’d go on the county first.
If you could find, and were able to afford, a Thanksgiving turkey, thank a Mexican.
And when the day comes that you can’t, blame yourself and the union racketeers and Republican dupes who duped you into thinking that you can magically make things better by centrally planning the labor market.
January 20, 2020 at 6:41 pm
GREAT ! It was great back in 2007 .It should have always been in place LETS DO THIS AGAIN !!! !
January 20, 2020 at 6:43 pm
“Furthermore, it’s supported by a huge majority of the American population. Another article from the Post stated that “79% (of the American public) supports requiring employers to verify that all new hires are living in the United States legally.”
Thank you, Rep. Gaetz for putting regular people first. That’s what representatives are supposed to do: represent and speak up for the wishes of their voters. An issue that has 79% support is definitely an issue that deserves representation.
Patricia Nezi
January 20, 2020 at 6:56 pm
We love you in Florida. Please keep E-Verify in the conversation! Support the Wall.
Jim Palminteri
January 20, 2020 at 7:00 pm
I think Matt is right on to get E-verify mandated in Florida. The demorats are against,that’s how I know it is right. I am concerned about Matt support the resolution limiting President Trump’s, War Powers. Not sure I trust you Matt.
January 20, 2020 at 10:23 pm
Florida is the only state in the South without E-Verify…………..it is embarrassing idiots like Galvano in Bradenton is bought off by the AG people…….he needs to go now……..
And he at one time was my atty…….
George Fuller
Sonja Emily Fitch
January 21, 2020 at 5:34 am
Lived in Florida for over 60 years. Worked and lived with the illegal immigrants that traveled the South and planted and harvested the crops……60 years later and because of the cheap labor market,legals, folks do not work these jobs. these jobs are back breaking and absolutely necessary for all of our Economy. I am not sure of the answer so far proposed….cause the crops have to be planted and harvested. Rep. Gaetz is such a sleaze ball I have no faith in any thing supported by him.
We in Florida have one of the most diverse populations in the United States. We are home to many legal and illegal immigrants. Florida think about this.
Dave Gorak
January 21, 2020 at 5:46 pm
“With this widely-used program employers can check whether a person they’re about to hire is in the country legally.”
This is false. E-Verify is used AFTER someone is hired in order to avoid any charges of discrimination.
January 22, 2020 at 12:52 pm
I agree E-verify is necessary among the effort’s necessary to limit and control illegal immigration
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