A nationwide pro-LGBTQ group is endorsing Kevin Beckner for Hillsborough County Clerk of Court, the group announced this week.
Along with its endorsement, Victory Fund also included Beckner’s bio on its website, which promotes electing openly LGBTQ individuals to all levels of government.
If elected, Beckner will be the county’s first openly gay Clerk.
And that election seems likely. Beckner is currently running unopposed for the seat after his former challenger, veteran Clerk staffer Doug Bakke, dropped out last month.
Beckner served two terms on Hillsborough County Commission from 2008 until 2016. He ran unsuccessfully for Clerk of Court in 2018 against incumbent Pat Frank. Frank is not seeking reelection this year leaving Beckner the only declared candidate for an open seat.
Beckner could still draw an opponent. The qualifying period for the race doesn’t begin until June 8.
There is also still some chance Hillsborough County Commissioner Sandy Murman, a Republican, could run. She is filed for the race but is not expected to actually run.
A latecomer to the race would be at a potential disadvantage. Beckner has already raised nearly $77,000 as of the end of January. Murman, if she was to run, has nearly $200,000 banked.
Beckner most recently served as executive director for Hillsborough County’s Civil Service Board, but the agency closed at the end of September amid complaints that it was no longer efficient.
Beckner has been a Financial Planner for more than 17 years and maintains the professional credentials of a Certified Financial Planning Practitioner, Chartered Life Financial Consultant and Charted Life Underwriter Consultant.
Despite being currently unopposed, Beckner said he’s still taking his campaign seriously.
“We will continue to campaign at the same pace we have been; building a diverse coalition of supporters around Hillsborough County and the region,” Beckner said in a statement after Bakke left the race. “We have a lot of work to do and my campaign is prepared to compete countywide with the resources and infrastructure required to win.”